Browsing by Author Lang, Vladislav
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2021 | Heat accumulation temperature measurement in ultrashort pulse laser micromachining | Martan, Jiří; Prokešová, Lucie; Moskal, Denys; de Faria, B. C. Ferreira; Honner, Milan; Lang, Vladislav |
2023 | Inverse dependence of heat accumulation on pulse duration in laser surface processing with ultrashort pulses | Moskal, Denys; Martan, Jiří; Honner, Milan; Ballardin Beltrami, Carlos; Kleefoot, Max Jonathan; Lang, Vladislav |
2024 | Jak změřit teplotu Měsíce? | Lang, Vladislav |
2021 | LIPSS-based functional surfaces produced by multi-beam nanostructuring with 2601 beams and real-time thermal processes measurement | Hauschwitz, P.; Martan, Jiří; Bičišťová, R.; Ballardin Beltrami, Carlos; Moskal, Denys; Brodsky, A.; Kaplan, N.; Mužík, 1; Štepánková, D.; Brajer, J.; Rostohar, D.; Kopeček, J.; Prokešová, Lucie; Honner, Milan; Lang, Vladislav; Smrž, M.; Mocek, T. |
2024 | Měření teploty při technické výchově | Tesař, Jiří; Skála, Jiří; Lang, Vladislav |
2017 | Stamp metoda pro zpracování dat s vysokým podílem šumu z infračerveného senzoru v drsném prostředí | Moskal, Denys; Martan, Jiří; Lang, Vladislav; Švantner, Michal |
2009 | Static and modal analysis of the brake stand | Švantner, Michal; Klepáček, Jan; Lang, Vladislav |
2022 | Statistical Study on Human Temperature Measurement by Infrared Thermography | Švantner, Michal; Lang, Vladislav; Skála, Jiří; Kohlschütter, Tomáš; Honner, Milan; Muzika, Lukáš; Kosová, Eliška |
2022 | Thermal signature of LIPSS formation revealed by infrared diagnostics | Martan, Jiří; Ballardin Beltrami, Carlos; Hauschwitz, Petr; Moskal, Denys; Bičištová, Radka; Honner, Milan; Brodsky, Alexander; Lang, Vladislav |