Title: Hodnocení vlastností systémů tenká vrstav-substrát
Other Titles: Evaluation of properties of thin film-substrate systems
Authors: Kříž, Antonín
Citation: Strojírenská technologie Plzeň 2009: sborník abstraktů: III. ročník mezinárodní konference konané ve dnech 21.- 22.1.2009 v Plzni. Vyd. 1. Plzeň: ZČU v Plzni, 2009, s. [1-10]. ISBN 978-80-7043-750-6.
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta strojní. Katedra technologie obrábění
Document type: konferenční příspěvek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/16435
ISBN: 978-80-7043-750-6
Keywords: tenká vrstva;analýzy;vlastnosti
Keywords in different language: thin film;analyzes;properties
Abstract in different language: Today, deposition of films is seen by some tool manufacturers as the least important aspect from the time point of view. Its importance is therefore often ignored. On the other hand, academics frequently examine various deposition parameters and properties of thin films without correlating them with their practical consequences. The purpose of this article is to provide comprehensive descriptions of laboratory testing methods available at the author’s laboratory and link them to findings from industrial application. Based on the newly designed testing method, which covers a wider context of results of individual laboratory tests, this paper describes a method for prediction of properties of cutting tools in particular machining processes.
Rights: © University of West Bohemia
Appears in Collections:Strojírenská technologie - Plzeň 2009 sborník příspěvků
Strojírenská technologie - Plzeň 2009 sborník příspěvků

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