Title: Whiteheadův imaginativní skok aneb hledání nejvyšších metafyzických principů
Other Titles: Whitehead’s imaginative leap, or searching for the highest metaphysical principles
Authors: Chalupská, Martina
Citation: Antropowebzin. 2015, č. 3-4, s. 103-115.
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: AntropoWeb
Document type: článek
URI: http://www.antropoweb.cz/webzin/index.php/webzin/index
ISSN: 1801–8807
Keywords: Whiteheadova metafyzika;materialistický mechanismus;filosofie organismu;imaginativní skok;organismický princip
Keywords in different language: Whitehead’s metaphysics;materialistic mechanism;philosophy of organism;imaginative leap;organismic principle
Abstract in different language: This study focuses on the origins of A. N. Whitehead’s metaphysical thought. First, the basic features of Whitehead’s pan-physics project and its differences from the metaphysical synthesis are described. It is shown what pos- sible motives led Whitehead to the construction of a complex system of ideas, and its basic char- acteristic features are analyzed. Three main pil- lars of Whitehead’s organismic philosophy are de- scribed, in the spirit of Ford’s compositional ana- lysis of the work Science and the Modern World, and arguments for the concept of organic mechan- ism instead of the materialistic view of mechanism are defended. Finally, through imaginative leaps of mind, it is shown how Whitehead arrives at the highest metaphysical principles by means of the basic organismic principles.
Rights: AntropoWebzin vychází pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Appears in Collections:Číslo 3-4 (2015)
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Číslo 3-4 (2015)

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