Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (CBG) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 247
Nápravníková, Klára
Inventarizační průzkum rekultivovaného území v okolí jezera Medard

The work dealt with an inventory survey of the recultivated surroundings of Lake Medard, where brown coal was mined. The survey took place between 2021 and 2022 and focused mainly on vascular plants. Consideration was given to invasive, protected and weed species. The results ...

Šůstková, Iveta
Konceptuální znalosti geografie studentů geografických a negeografických oborů

The topic of this bachelor thesis is the conceptual knowledge of geography. It focuses first on the creation of a test which checks this knowledge and then on evaluation of the results. Students of geographical specialization and students of non-geographical specializations who came...

Burešová, Natálie
Návrh naučné vycházky okolo Boleveckých rybníků s využitím QR kódů

This bachelor thesis deals with the design of an educational walk around Bolevec ponds using QR codes.

Pohanková, Markéta
Výukový program pro žáky ZŠ na téma Austrálie

The bachelor's thesis deals with the analysis of curricular documents and a review of textbooks for the 7th year of primary schools. Attention is also paid to the Zoological and Botanical Gardens in Pilsen and its history. The teaching program that was created for this...

Mrázová, Markéta
Měkkýši okolí Nebílov a Čižic na Plzeňsku

This bachelor thesis was focused on inventory research of malacofauna in the vicinity of Čižice and Nebílovy. The research was conducted from June to September 2021. 880 individuals were found throughout the territory. The collection of molluscs was carried out at 15 localities, si...

Davidová, Nelly
Terénní vzdělávací aktivity ve Výukovém areálu s vodními prvky v Plzni

This bachelor thesis focuses on the design and use of a field-based learning activity in science education. Within the framework of this work, a teaching programme was developed in which field activities were used. The educational program was specially designed for the Educational ...

Francová, Martina
Výukový program pro žáky ZŠ na téma Kopytníci

The topic of this bachelor thesis was an educational program about ungulates. It was created for the Zoological and Botanical Gardens of the City of Pilsen where it may be included with other educational programs. It was aimed primarily at pupils in the 6th and 7th g...

Nedvědová, Josefína
Možnosti motivace ve výuce vybraného zeměpisného tématu

This bachelor thesis is focused on the possibilities of motivation in a teaching of selected geographical topic, which was the economy of Asia. The bachelor thesis consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part described the explanation of motivation an...

Milová, Sabina
Výukový program pro žáky ZŠ na téma Léčivé rostliny

Bachelor thesis deals with medicinal plants and their effect on health. The aim of the thesis is to create an educational programme for students at secondary school in Zoological and botanical garden Pilsen. The theoretial chapters define the concept of textbooks and explain the&#x...

Jandová, Kateřina
Didaktické hry ve výuce zeměpisu cílené na vyšší úrovně kognitivních cílů Bloomovy taxonomie

This bachelor thesis deals with didactic games that are aimed at higher levels of cognitive goals of Bloom's taxonomy in teaching geography. The main goal of this work is to create a didactic game that aims at the higher goals of Bloom's taxonomy and verify it...

Grundmannová, Kateřina
Měkkýši údolí Zbirožského potoka mezi Podmokelským a Sýkorovým mlýnem na Křivoklátsku

The work is focused on the research of terrestrial and aquatic molluscs in the Zbirožský rivulet in Křivoklát region. The field research was carried out from July to September 2021. The investigated area lies on the border of Pilsen and Central Bohemian Region close to th...

Hlinková, Karolína
Metagenomická identifikace bakterií

The bachelor thesis is focused identification of bacteria from historical burial ground in Semonice and Hostivice. The work is focused on diversity water and thermophlic bacteria in teeth samples, cow bone sample and soil sample from abdominal cavity. The bacteria are compare with ...

Brzica, Matěj
Mykologický průzkum lesů města Stříbra v lokalitách U Tří dubů a Harabaska

The aim of this bachelor's thesis, was to perform a mycological survey of Basidiomycota in the commercial forest near Stříbro. The inventory activities were conducted from February to December 2021 and 161 species of fungi from the Basidiomycota group were found and described. ...

Kloudová, Kristýna
Měkkýši údolí Mže u Pavlovic na Tachovsku

The work is focused on the research of terrestrial molluscs in the Údolí Mže na Tachovku in Tachov region. The field research was carried out from August to September 2021. The investigated area lies in Pilsen Region close to the municipalities Josefova Huť, ...

Schwarzová, Anna
Měkkýši údolí Hracholuského potoka na Plzeňsku

This thesis presents the results of an inventory research of the malacofauna in the Hracholuský creek valley in the Pilsen area. The research was conducted from September to November 2022 and 18 localities have been examined. One of these localities are aquatic, two wetland an...

Papež, Daniel
Geofyzikální analýza potenciálně zaledněného území v oblasti Velkého Roklanu

The content of this bachelor thesis is a geophysical analysis of a potentially glaciated area on the northern slope of Großer Rachel. In relation to the large-scale glaciation of Bohemian Forest range as presented by Huaner (1980), alternatively Hauner et al. (2019), the extent...

Lomozová, Markéta
Biodiverzita lignikolních hub v okolí Žernovického potoka na Prachaticku

The Bachelor's thesis is about the species diversity of lignicolous fungi around Žernovický brook in the territory of Prachatice examined during the mycological survey in 2020 and 2021. During these years, a total of 87 species of woody fungi were found on the site, 16...

Horová, Eliška
Antimikrobiální aktivita bakterií

The bachelor thesis focuses on microorganisms, specifically bacteria, their characteristics, structures and cell shapes. Furthermore, the thesis describes specialized metabolites or natural products, in terms of their function as drugs, and strategies for their further discovery. The most important of...

Schejbal, Jaroslav
Inventarizační průzkum flóry v oblasti Křížový vrch

The purpose of this bachelor's thesis was inventory research of flora in area Křížový vrch. It is located between villages Stod, Chotěšov, Líšina and Černotín. This area was diveded into four smaller areas, specifically into coniferous forest, mixed forest, deciduous forest and gras...

Moutelík, Petr
Inventarizační průzkum přírodní rezervace Lopata

This bachelors's thesis is focused on bringing the latest insight into the inventorization of botanical species variety of nature reserve Lopata. It is located near Štáhlavice and Milínov within the southern Plzeň region. The area of the nature reserve is 66 636 m2 and the...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 247