Diplomové práce / Theses (KTR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 461
Sommerová, Kateřina
Hypnóza a další netradiční způsoby objasňování trestní věci

This thesis focuses primarily on hypnosis and other non-traditional methods of clarifying a criminal case. The main aim of the thesis is to introduce the reader to some alternative methods of evidence and their view on them within the Czech environment. The thesis is divided&#...

Sobota, Jan
Oprávnění advokáta vyhledávat, prověřovat, předkládat a navrhovat důkazy v trestním řízení

This diploma thesis deals with the right of an attorney to search for, examine, submit and propose evidence in criminal procedure. In the beginning it explains the basic rules of evidence and its subject and scope, as well as the position of an attorney. The theses t...

Tomanová, Andrea
Metodika vyšetřování vražd v ČR a zahraničí

The purpose of this diploma thesis is to introduce the reader to the methodology of homicide investigation, the crime of homicide from a legal point of view and criminological aspects in criminal law. I describe these topics not only in the context of the Czech Republic,&...

Šupina, Jan
Role soudního znalce v trestním řízení. Znalecký posudek jako důkazní prostředek.

In my diploma thesis I deal with expert witnesses, the position of the expert in criminal proceedings and the expert opinion as a means of evidence. After a historical excursion in the field of expertise, I evaluate the previous and current legal regulation of expert acti...

Říhová, Karolína
Adekvátnost trestání domácího násilí v České republice

This diploma thesis deals with the adequacy of punishment of domestic violence in the Czech Republic. Whether the penalties correspond to the committed act and its consequences. The issue will be presented mainly from the point of view of whether domestic violence is subsumed ...

Smoleňáková, Anna
Zvláštní formy dokazování

This diploma deals with the topic about special methods of evidence, which have been incorporated into the Criminal Procedure Code, Act No. 141/1961 Coll., by Act No. 265/2001 Coll., the so-called great amendment effective since 1st January 2002. From the criminal procedural p...

Mrázek, Ondřej
Některé sporné důkazní prostředky v trestním řízení

The diploma thesis deals with a very complex topic which is the concept of means of proof. The mean of proof is a tool, with which is obtained important information, which serves as a basis for individual allegations in criminal proceedings. Within the diploma thesis, att...

Mifek, Jan
Metodika vyšetřování trestných činů proti lidské důstojnosti v sexuální oblasti

The thesis deals with the methodology of investigating crimes against human dignity in the sexual field. It is divided into three parts. The first part deals with criminological analysis of sexual crime and sexual crime statistics. The second part contains the legal definition of&#...

Placek, Jan
Institut spolupracujícího obviněného

This diploma thesis deals with the institute of a cooperating accused, which is one of the means of combating organized crime. Its main essence is an active analysis of this legal institute of the Czech legal system, its comparison with similar institutes of foreign legislatio...

Roubin, Dominik
Oprávnění advokáta vyhledávat, prověřovat, předkládat a navrhovat důkazy v trestním řízení

The thesis deals with the issue of the lawyer's right to search, examine, submit and propose evidence in criminal proceedings. The first part of the thesis introduces the basic terminology and theoretical basis of evidence in criminal proceedings, especially the process, basic princ...

Poutníková, Nikola
Asistovaná reprodukce z pohledu trestního práva

The thesis deals with assisted reproduction from the perspective of criminal law and analyses the crimes related to assisted reproduction. Thus, the thesis deals with the issues of socially harmful acts, protection of the human fetus and other criminal law aspects related to assist...

Marešová, Terezie
Metodika vyšetřování organizovaného zločinu

This work deals with the methodology of investigating organized crime, as the highest form of organized crime, which poses significant risks for society, as it interferes with the political, economic and legal spheres of state working, and further influences state administration. This p...

Krejčová, Jana
Trestněprávní a kriminologické aspekty terorismu

This diploma thesis focuses on criminal and criminological aspects o terrorism. The first chapter deals with the concept of terrorism, which is followed by the historical evolution of terrorism, and the third chapter describes the different types of terrorism. The core of the thesi...

Knödlová, Lucie
Organizovaný zločin

The main theme of this thesis is organized crime. The author introduces the problematics surrounding the organized crime, its history, and the most common forms of its activities in Czech Republic with emphasis on its current state. This thesis also includes concrete criminal law&#...

Mareš, Jakub
Dohoda o vině a trestu

The diploma thesis deals with the institute of agreement on guilt and punishment from a theoretical and practical point of view. It approaches the issue of classifying the institute as a diversion, but mainly describes its current legislation with emphasis on recent legislative cha...

Hudečková, Kristina
Dohoda o vině a trestu

The master's thesis titled Dohoda o vině a trestu, resembling Plea Bargaining and Agreement of Guilt and Punishment, is dedicated to the eponymous institute of criminal law in the legal order of the Czech Republic. It focuses on the relevant effective national legislation and&#...

Froněk, Štěpán
Ukončení stadia prověřování v trestním řízení

This thesis deals with the topic of the end of the investigation stage in criminal proceedings. It discusses the criminal procedure as a whole, together with the characteristics of its individual stages. The thesis also focuses on the basic principles of criminal proceedings within...

Fialková, Barbora
Trestněprávní ochrana zvířat v České republice

Diploma focuses on the criminal protection of animals in the Czech legal system provided in the Criminal Code before and after their amendment No. 114/2020 Coll. The aim of the thesis is mainly to deal with the sufficiency of the existing legal regulation, what specific&#...

Sedláčková, Pavlína
Podmíněné propuštění ve světle současné judikatury

In my diploma thesis I focused on the institute of conditional release. I dealt with the historical development of parole. In the next chapter, I tried to describe this institute in terms of substantive and procedural law. In the following chapter, I have selected interesting&...

Ferjentsik, Karel
Rozdíly v právní úpravě operativně pátracích prostředků států Visegrádské čtyřky

The subject of this thesis is the legal regulation of operative search means in neighboring states forming together with the Czech Republic, the so-called Visegrad Four - Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. In the individual chapters the research of the valid legal regulations of individ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 461