Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KKS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 367
Kostka, Ondřej
Hrubá stavba (skříň) železničního vozu ComplexTrans

The bachelor thesis includes the design and calculations using the finite element method of a specific rail car ComplexTrans, which transports not only ordinary passengers, but also passengers with their e-cars (so-called coupe cars) or freight transport modules or parcel boxes with goo...

Burian, Matouš
Montážní lis 30t

The bachelor's thesis includes the design of the assembly press up to 30t. In the theoretical part, it was done first by splitting the presses and researching the subject, followed by market research. The practical part includes an analytical design of the frame and its&#x...

Kuba, Evžen
Návrh konzoly sedadla

The bachelor's thesis discusses the structural design of the side suspension bracket of the rail set seats, the solution of the overhang reinforcement using computer simulation and the calculation of static and dynamic loads using the NX program.

Szpuk, Oldřich
Návrh vstřikovací formy pro víčka PET lahví

The bachelor's thesis contains research on the topic of injection molds and injection technology and a design of an injection mold for the production of plastic caps for PET bottles. The content of the work is also a computer analysis of the injec...

Šlegl, Jakub
Přípravek pro pokročilé testování plechů - Bulge test

The aim of this bachelor thesis was to extend the validity of DP1000 steel hardening curve. The tests were performed in cooperation with COMTES FHT a.s. company. The basic stress and strain dependence diagram was defined using a uniaxial tensile test. This diagram was further&...

Patera, Jiří
Návrh upevňovacího rámu pro robotické svařování

This bachelor dissert includes design of a fixing frame for a welding of part of portalhead for a carwash by weldings robot in two variants. It includes strength checking of parts by MKP, computer simluation and overall evaluation with economic analysis.

Bláha, Petr
Přeprava jízdních kol ve vlaku

This bachelor thesis includes a research of existing solutions for bicycle transportation spaces in current trains operated in the Czech Republic and abroad and a principal design of the constructional solution of bicycle stands/holders, including technical and economic appreciation.

Finěk, Ondřej
Převodová skříň pro všeobecné použití s čelními ozubenými koly

This Bachelor thesis deals with the design of a spur gearbox. In the first part of the thesis, a research on industrial gearboxes is written. The main part of the thesis focuses on the structural design and calculations of a helical spur gearbox. The work includes cr...

Hájek, Adam
Konstrukční návrh chladícího systému Formula Student

The bachelor's thesis focuses on the design of a cooling system for the Formula Student car. The first part is dedicated to the system design, including analysis of the current state and data obtained from previous racing seasons. The design of the cooling system is c...

Staněk, Matyáš
Návrh samozamykacího mechanismu pro poklopy v letištních plochách

The bachelor's thesis contains a complete structural design of the locking mechanism for heavy hatches of the HEACO company. The proposal in this work aims to replace the existing technical solution. The proposal includes complete drawing documentation.

Prokop, Jan
Zvýšení výtěžnosti PVB fólie v rámci procesu laminování čelních skel automobilů

This thesis contains research into the production of PVB foils for car windshieldsThe aim of the work was to echieve savings by adjusting the machine settings using an experiment. Thanks to the experiment, it was possible to achieve materiál and financial savings.

Rusnák, Jan
Inovace vážící stolice dle zadané specifikace požadavků na vlastnosti.

The bachelor thesis contains an introduction to the issue of belt conveyors, the design of the weighing bench including the simulation of the structure load and the design of partial innovations for conveyors of larger width. The aim of the thesis is to propose conceptual ...

Pacovský, Jan
Zvyšování efektivnosti materiálu pomocí tvaru průřezu

This work focuses on the issue of selecting and increasing the efficiency of cross-sections, and for explanation, the theory of elasticity and strength is used. The goal is to explain the numerical and graphical theory of cross-section selection according to Pr...

Pavelková, Hedvika
Výběr konstrukčních materiálů

This bachelor's thesis describes a methodology for material selection that is universal for all engineering sectors. This approach allows for the consideration of all requirements placed on the final product and finding the optimal materiál.

Čížek, Martin
Modelování lisovaného spoje

The bachelor thesis is focused on modelling of press fit using finite element analysis (FEA). The thesis contains a research on press fit, FEM, nonlinear problems and material models (mainly elasto-plastic) including plasticity theory. In the practical part, 8 different models with diff...

Starec, Jakub
Technické řešení pro zlepšení absorbování energie při nárazu hlavou

The bachelor thesis deals with the structural design of a component to improve the energy absorption during a rear head impact on a seat, taking into account all legal requirements. Furthermore, it summarizes the important properties of materials for impact energy absorptio...

Babka, Adam
Přenos hnacího momentu kloubovým hřídelem u silničních dopravních prostředků

The bachelor's thesis includes an introduction to the issue of power transmission using universal joints and a review of design solutions for joints. It further explores the kinematic principles of torque transmission using a cross joint and illustrates the transmission with a singl...

Fux, Aleš
Navrhování ochranných obličejových štítů

The bachelor thesis contains a design proposal for a protective face shield, which was created using SolidEdge. The design was compared against the requirements specifications with a competing product. Furthermore, the best option for manufacturing and material was evaluated according to the...

Mulač, Jan
Návrh zvedacího zařízení pro poklopy v letištních plochách

The bachelor thesis contains a complete procedure for the design of the lifting device, including consideration of the possible opening methods, determination the gravity centre position of the cover, calculations of the force process for each concept and determination of the&#x...

Janura, Adam
Převodová skříň pro všeobecné použití s kuželovými koly

The bachelor thesis contains information related to the topic of gearboxes. Furthermore, the subject of the thesis is a computational report and a proposed model of a bevel gearbox with a focus on miniature dimensions using NX, Solid Edge and AutoDesk Inventor.

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 367