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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 41
Lobaz, Petr
Počítačem generovaná obrazová holografie

Holography is a lensless imaging method capable of producing ultra-realistic 3-D images. In addition, it has many technical applications, for example in microscopy or non-destructive testing. Holography is a two-step process. It consists of hologram recording and hologram reconstruction. Digital...

Maňák, Martin
Využití výpočetní geometrie pro modelování a vizualizaci proteinů

Modeling and visualization of protein models help domain experts to better understand the function of these bio-molecules. The geometric model is just a collection of partially overlapping spheres representing individual atoms. The inspection of this model with a spherical collision-avoiding prob...

Holý, Lukáš
Vizualizace rozsáhlých diagramů komponent

Software applications can easily consist of hundreds or thousands of components and it is thus difficult to understand their structure. Diagram visualization does not help much because of visual clutter caused by big amount of elements and connections, especially in the case of fla...

Krämer, Stefan
Návrh a simulace FT plánovacího algoritmu pro vícejádrový procesor a RT aplikace

The request for more powerful processing units is not only rising in the field of PCs, but also in the embedded domain. Nowadays embedded systems with a high demand for performance can be found almost everywhere, starting from households, entertainment devices and in the autom...

Konkol, Michal
Rozpoznávání pojmenovaných entit

The idea of automatic extraction of important information from text documents comes from the time of first steps in the natural language processing. Its importance rapidly grows with the rise of the digital news, social media, blogging, etc. The amount of information is overwhelmin...

Soukal, Roman
Algoritmy vyhledávání bodů procházkou

Finding which triangle in a triangle mesh contains a query point (so-called point location problem) is one of the most frequent tasks in computational geometry. Usually, a large number of point locations has to be performed, and so there is a need for fast algorithms. Mor...

Nykl, Michal
Hodnocení významnosti variantami PageRanku

This thesis deals with the research of methods of evaluating the significance of nodes in large graph structures. The proposed methods are applied to evaluating citation networks and networks created from Linked Data. The introduction describes the goals that led us to propose...

Nestorovič, Tomáš
Agentní přístup k dialogovému řízení

This work focuses on dialogue management in human-computer interaction. It consists of three main parts that were all developed during the study and build upon each other. The first of them is an information management framework. Inspired by the Semantic Interface Language (SIL), t...

Brychcín, Tomáš
Distribuční sémantika v jazykovém modelování

Language models are crucial for many tasks in natural language processing and n-grams are probably the best way to build them. Huge effort is being invested in improving the n-gram language models. By introducing external knowledge (morphology, syntax, etc.) into the models, a sign...

Dostal, Martin

This thesis proposes the progress in the area of text-mining realized with methods improved by semantic information from Linked Data. This approach is demonstrated on well-known text-mining tasks like feature extraction, classification and clustering. This approach is evaluated with common availa...

Bžoch, Pavel
Zvyšování výkonu a udržování konzistentnosti dat v mobilních zařízeních pro distribuované systémy souborů

Mobile devices such as mobile phones, notebooks, netbooks, PDAs are spread worldwide. The computational and storage capacity of these devices has grown recently especially in mobile phones branch. By using a cellular network or Wi-Fi, these devices can also access internet and operate&#...

Petrík, Slavomír
Extrakce iso-ploch z časově proměnných dat

This work contributes to the field of Isosurface Extraction. Two kinds of input datasets are considered. Firstly, the static structured and unstructured datasets, representing data at the chosen point of time. Secondly, time-varying data with moving or changing dynamic simulation mesh. Three...

Ježek, Kamil
Podpora mimofunkčních charakteristik v komponentových modelech

Approaches that target software composition are becoming remarkably important with the gradual enlargement of software systems. Together with the adoption of component-based programming to cope with software complexity, extra-func\-tion\-al properties are playing a more important role. This work ...

Maule, Petr
Automatická detekce nekrotické tkáně

This thesis deals with methods that could provide additional information for physicians when deciding about the most appropriate treatment for patients with ischemic strokes. The thesis proposes a method for automated infarction core delineation based on combination of angiography and non co...

Albrecht, Štěpán
Modelově-orientované přístupy pro automatickou hudební transkripci

The problem of memory based complete automatic music transcription is considered. The complete automatic music transcription, i.e., estimation of (i) all sounds in time, (ii) their instrumentation and (iii) their loudnesses, is a di cult and in some cases even not solvable problem. ...

Raab, Peter
Model-based reliability evaluation of data processing in HW-fault-tolerant systems

The work deals with utilization of error detecting codes in order to increase reliability of arithmetic operations in processor systems. Using the developed methods it is possible to create error models which are able to decribe errors occuring during data processing in computer sy...

Lenc, Ladislav
Rozpoznávání obličejů v reálných podmínkách

This thesis deals with Automatic Face Recognition under real-world conditions. The main goal of this work is proposing a complete face recognition system intended to be used by the Czech News Agency (ČTK) for automatic annotation of photographs. The first task is to prepare a&...

Šnajberk, Jaroslav
Pokročilá interaktivní zobrazování komponentového softwaru

This thesis deals with the topic of component-based application structure visualization. Use of components can improve organization and clarity of application architectures by encapsulating the implementation details. Software architects can thus work on higher level of abstraction, where they create&...

Paška, Marek
Development of dependable and efficient software with dynamically-typed languages

Computers are ubiquitous; this is especially true in the case of so called embedded devices. These devices usually have constrained computational resources. Software development for such systems tends to be conservative and use tools such as C programming language. More recently, there ...

Skála, Jiří
Algoritmy pro manipulaci s velkými geometrickými daty

This thesis deals with manipulating huge geometric data in the field of computer graphics. The proposed approach uses a data stream technique to allow processing gigantic datasets that by far exceed the size of the main memory. The amount of data is hierarchically reduced by&#...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 41