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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 53
Váně, Jan , Dirga, Lukáš
The prison chaplain as a part of penitentiary care? Transformation of the Czech prison system after the fall of communism

The prison system in the Czech Republic has been carrying out a reform process since the end of the communist regime, and has gone through more than 30 years of transformation, based on an effort to make it a modern European correctional system. Part of this change&#...

Váně, Jan
Merit versus Necessity: Housing First and its Forms in Practice

The aim of the present study is to illustrate the process of putting the Housing First concept into practice in the city of Pilsen in the Czech Republic and the unintended consequences associated with it. The research is based on ethnographic methods and involved not only...

Váně, Jan
Masaryk, Weber, and the Czech situation from the Norwegian perspective: an interview with Pål Veiden

Hrešanová, Ema , Glajchová, Alena
Staré a cizí: Zranitelnost a intersekcionalita ve zdravotní péči

This paper seeks to understand what constitutes vulnerability among healthcare users in relations and social interactions with their healthcare providers. While many authors see vulnerability as an intersection of more or less permanent categories, such as gender, sexuality, social class, or ...

Kobes, Tomáš
O sociologické imaginaci

This article discusses the controversy of the sociological imagination as it was developed by Charles Wright Mills and its relevance for the current epistemology of social science. His notion of the sociological imagination has several problems due to the unreflected general prejudice d...

Pařízková, Alena , Clausen, Jette Aaroe
Women on the move: A search for preferred birth services

Background: Women and midwives travel long distances, or abroad, to receive or provide birth services. Travel for birth services is not represented in the existing literature, despite the wide scale research available on medical travel. Aim: We explored the perspectives of women who...

Hasmanová Marhánková, Jaroslava
Places of (in)visibility. LGB aging and the (im)possibilities of coming out to others

Middle and older age are usually ignored in the studies of the processes of coming out. This paper analyses the opportunities, and also the barriers which aging brings to the possibility of articulating one's own sexual identity in relation to others. It presents the life-...

Hasmanová Marhánková, Jaroslava
Sexualita a stárnutí - průsečíky ticha. Využití intersekcionálního přístupu při studiu zkušenosti stárnutí LGBT osob

Issues of sexuality have been considerably under-studied in the analysis of later life in social gerontology. Sexual identity was considered to have a minor impact on life and social inequalities in old age. Consequently, the experience of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender older&#...

Glajchová, Alena
Rekonceptualizace pojmu zranitelnosti a jeho užití coby analytického nástroje

This paper focuses on the notion of vulnerability and its conceptualization in the scientific sphere. The concept of vulnerability is used frequently, but its explanation and definition is vague and insufficient. The main purpose of this paper is to point out the limitations of...

Krčál, Petr
HÁJEK, Martin (2014): Čtenář a stroj. Vybrané metody sociálněvědní analýzy textů. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství

Kalvas, František , Váně, Jan
Zvyšuje religiozitu míra deprivace? Případová studie plzeňských bezdomovců

We investigate the religiosity of homeless persons in Pilsen. We also test the validity of deprivation theory in the Czech environment, i.e. we test the assumption that people exposed to long-term forms of deprivation have the tendency to incline to some form of religion. We&#...

Lužný, Dušan , Váně, Jan
Jsme více naplněni rezignací než imaginací: rozhovor s profesorem Dušanem Lužným

Váně, Jan , Kalvas, František
Obsahová analýza použití pojmů hidžáb, burka a nikáb v českém denním tisku v letech 1996-2013

This study is based on the assumption that our understanding of reality, i.e. Islam in this case, is primarily shaped by the mass media: it is the mass media that create value frameworks which help us understand not only the individual key terms of everyday reality, ...

Dirga, Lukáš
Rozhovor s Dr. Miroslavem Scheinostem, ředitelem Institutu pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci

Dirga, Lukáš
Jak se mluví za mřížemi: (tajná) mluva odsouzených v českých zemích

This text focuses on the changing functions of prison language used by inmates in Czech prisons with a stress on its cryptic function. The data presented in this paper are based on original ethnographic research conducted in Czech prisons. The data for analysis were collected&...

Dirga, Lukáš
The possible applications of the guard´s world concept in the analysis of the czech prison system

The sphere of prison environment is currently one of the most undiscovered topics in the social research in the context of the Czech Republic. This article attempts partially fill out this gap. Based on ethnographic study of prison guards working in the Czech prison system,&#x...

Glajchová, Alena
LUPTON, Deborah (2012): Medicine as Culture. Illness, Disease and the Body in Western Societies (3rd edition). London: Sage.

Růžička, Michal
Lozoviuk, Petr: Evropská etnologie ve středoevropské perspektivě. Univerzita Pardubice, Fakulta humanitních studií. Monographica III, 2005, 190 s.

Růžička, Michal
Kriminalita z antropologického perspektivy : možnosti a limity sociologické inspirace

The article can be understood as an introduction to the problematic of studying deviance and criminal behaviour in sociocultural anthropology. The article also discusses the possibilities of adopting some theoretical and methodological resources from the sociology of deviance into&#...

Váně, Jan , Hásová, Veronika
Jak se v České republice vlastně měří náboženství?

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 53