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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.advisorLovasová Vladimíra, Mgr. Ph.D.
dc.contributor.authorNam, Daniel
dc.contributor.refereeHoleček Václav, PhDr. Ph.D.
dc.description.abstractTato diplomova prace se zabyva srovnanim a podilem psychologicke pripravy ucitelu v ramci pregradualniho studia ucitelskych oboru ve trech zkoumanych zemich. Za cil si klade v mezinarodnim kontextu srovnat, jakym zpusobem pedagogicke fakulty pripravuji budouci ucitele, zkoumanymi instituce jsou ze zemi Evropy, Severni Ameriky a Vychodni Asie. Dale ma v umyslu zanalyzovat vyroky absolventu a zhodnotit jakym zpusobem vnimaji studium a zda pocituji, ze je vysoka skola pripravila na vykon prace adekvatnim zpusobem. V teoreticke casti popisuje roli ucitele a narocnost ucitelske prace z hlediska odborne literatury. Odpovida na otazku, jake kompetence jsou nutne pro uspesny vykon praxe a proc. Dale informuje o legislativni situaci vybranych zemi, a jakym zkoumane staty definuji kvalifikacni pozadavky nutne k vykonu prace. Prvni dil prakticke casti se zameruje na charakteristiku pripravy ucitelu na vybranych pedagogickych fakultach. Jedna se o popis bakalarskych a navazujicich magisterskych studijnich programu vedoucich k ucitelstvi pro SS, SOS a gymnazia. Druhy dil srovnava sledovane univerzity a podil pedagogicko-psychologickych predmetu a take popisuje kreditovy system zkoumanych zemi. Treti dil prakticke casti se sklada z vypovedi absolventu z vybranych univerzit a obsahove-kategorialni analyzy vyroku.cs
dc.format60 s. (104 000 znaků)cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rightsPlný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.cs
dc.subjectpsychologicka pripravacs
dc.subjectucitelska pracecs
dc.subjectrole ucitelecs
dc.subjectkvalifikacni pozadavkycs
dc.subjectpedagogicke fakultycs
dc.subjectstudijni programcs
dc.titleSrovnávací analýza podílu a struktury psychologické výuky v rámci pregraduální přípravy učitelů ve světěcs
dc.title.alternativeComparative analysis of structure and proportion of psychological education in pregraduate preparation for teaching practice in the worlden
dc.typediplomová prácecs
dc.thesis.degree-grantorZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta pedagogickács
dc.thesis.degree-programUčitelství pro střední školycs
dc.description.abstract-translatedThis thesis concerns itself with the comparison and portion of psychological teacher training which students of educational departments in our three studied countries undergo during their pre-graduate studies. The goal is to compare in an international context how pedagogical faculties prepare future teachers, investigated institutions are from Europe, North America and East Asia. Furthermore, an analysis of statements of graduates, their own assessment of their studies and following feelings of whether the university stay has prepared them adequately for their future career is analyzed. The theoretical part describes the role of a teacher and demanding nature of the teaching profession. It answers the question of, which competencies are necessary for a successful teacher and why. Moreover it informs about the legislative situation of chosen countries and how they individually define qualifications necessary for a teaching position. The first part of the practical part focuses on the characteristic of teacher training on chosen educational departments. This is a description of bachelor and master study programs for secondary school education, i.e. high schools, vocational schools, craft schools. The second part compares the chosen universities and portion of pedagogical and psychological courses, also a description of the credit system is included. The last part of the practical part consists of statements of graduates from given institutions a content-category analysis of statements is also included.en
dc.subject.translatedpsychological trainingen
dc.subject.translatedteaching practiceen
dc.subject.translatedteacher roleen
dc.subject.translatedqualification requirementsen
dc.subject.translatedstudy programen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Diplomové práce / Theses (KPS)

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Daniel-DP9 final draft.pdfPlný text práce2,27 MBAdobe PDFZobrazit/otevřít
Nam-oponent.pdfPosudek oponenta práce90,37 kBAdobe PDFZobrazit/otevřít
Nam-prubeh.pdfPrůběh obhajoby práce18,72 kBAdobe PDFZobrazit/otevřít
Nam-vedouci.pdfPosudek vedoucího práce91,16 kBAdobe PDFZobrazit/otevřít

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