Proceedings PING: modern trends in material engineering


Recent Submissions

Hajšman, Jan , Kučerová, Ludmila , Chocholatý, Ondřej
The influence of varying aluminium and manganese content on the corrosion resistance of high strength steels

Since the high strength steels are typically used in automotive industry, the corrosion resistance represents a very important property of these materials. In recent years there is a tendency of replacing silicon with aluminium and increasing&#...

Vrtáček, Jiří , Peković, Michal , Jirková, Hana , Bublíková, Dagmar , Kučerová, Ludmila
Stanovení vhodných parametrů tepelně-mechanického zpracování vysokopevných ocelí

Volkmannová, Julie , Kučerová, Ludmila , Hájek, Jiří
Využití dilatometrie při tepelném zpracování vysoce pevných ocelí

Tichá, Iveta , Kučerová, Ludmila
Scanning electron microscopy as a useful tool for the analysis of non-conductive materials

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in the analysis of non-conductive samples became one of the most important methods for the investigation of material properties. In this work, we used SEM microstructure analysis for the investigation of the origin of cracks in granite composites and&#...

Stehlík, Adam
Kryogenní zpracování maraging oceli třídy 18Ni 300