Název: Technical pictorial instructions through the eyes of primary school teacher trainees
Další názvy: Technický obrazový návod očima studentů učitelství 1.st.
Autoři: Kubíková, Michaela
Šafrová, Nicol
Štíchová, Gabriela
Vaculíková, Eliška
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: HONZÍKOVÁ, Jarmila a Petr SIMBARTL, eds. Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2020: Sborník abstraktů z mezinárodní studentské odborné konference: 25.5. 2021 Plzeň. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2021, s. 44.
Datum vydání: 2021
Nakladatel: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Typ dokumentu: conferenceObject
konferenční příspěvek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/43593
ISBN: 978-80-261-0858-0
Klíčová slova: technické vzdělávání;přírodovědné vzdělávání;eye-tracking;trainee teachers;vzdělávání na základních školách
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: technical education;science education;eye-tracking;trainee teachers;primary education
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: Primary school teachers use a variety of visual materials in their teaching. In the technical field, it is often diagrams, plans and other types of illustrations the teachers accompany their interpretation of issues by or that make their students‘ work easier. Of course, these materials are also introduced to teacher trainees, prospective primary school teachers, both at faculties of education and within their practice placements at primary schools. If the pictorial instructions are intended to express a sequence of production steps, then they are often drawn in series, where the individual images are phased. Such depictions are generally accepted as well understood, with greater potential to control the reader's individual actions. However, the question may be whether their perception is identical with the perception of ordinary individual images. This was assessed by eye tracking technology, an essential tool of the research, analysing the eye movements of the respondents while they look at the computer monitor screen and determining what the respondents are looking at when solving a task. The results in the form of qualitative and quantitative data were compared with data from common image and text tasks. Statistically significant differences were found, which are discussed in the conclusion.
Práva: © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2021
Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2021

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