Browsing by Author Doležel, Ivo

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 51  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20133D Modeling of Induction Hardening of Teeth WheelsBarglik, Jerzy; Smalcerz, Albert; Przylucki, Roman; Doležel, Ivo
2011Active thermal insulation for induction heating of specific metal partsUlrych, Bohuš; Kotlan, Václav; Doležel, Ivo
2011Actuator with ferromagnetic plunger working in ferrofluidic liquidDoležel, Ivo; Polcar, Petr; Kropík, Petr
2011Adaptivity techniques in hp-finite element methodKarban, Pavel; Doležel, Ivo; Šolín, Pavel
2019Adjustment of material characteristics in electroheat problemsPetrášová, Iveta; Kotlan, Václav; Doležel, Ivo
2019Applicability and comparison of surrogate techniques for modeling of selected heating problemsPavlíček, Karel; Kotlan, Václav; Doležel, Ivo
2020Baking of thin electrically non-conductive layers by indirect induction heatingKotlan, Václav; Doležel, Ivo
2019Calibration of laser welding model based on optimization techniquesPetrášová, Iveta; Kotlan, Václav; Šroubová, Lenka; Karban, Pavel; Doležel, Ivo
2019Calibration of numerical model of magnetic induction brazingPánek, David; Karban, Pavel; Doležel, Ivo
2020Comparison of simplified techniques for solving selected coupled electroheat problemsPánek, David; Karban, Pavel; Orosz, Tamás; Doležel, Ivo
2003Computation of 3D electrostatic fields excited by thin conductorsKarban, Pavel; Škopek, Martin; Doležel, Ivo
2007Convergence problems of integral modeling of 3d electrostatic fields with singularitiesHamar, Roman; Doležel, Ivo
2022DC Motor Benchmark with Prediction Based on Mixture of ExpertsKarban, Pavel; Petrášová, Iveta; Doležel, Ivo
2019Design of linear peristaltic pumpMuška, Jiří; Karban, Pavel; Petrášová, Iveta; Doležel, Ivo
2015Experimental electrostatic separator for plastic mixtureKacerovský, Jan; Brabec, Jan; Mach, František; Karban, Pavel; Doležel, Ivo
2013Experimental Study of Triboelectric Separator for Mixture of Plastic ParticlesŠtarman, Václav; Kacerovský, Jan; Mach, František; Karban, Pavel; Doležel, Ivo
2021FEM based robust design optimization with Agros and ArtapKarban, Pavel; Pánek, David; Orosz, Tamás; Petrášová, Iveta; Doležel, Ivo
2015Genetic algorithm with prediction of unsuitable variants based on existing solutionsMach, František; Karban, Pavel; Doležel, Ivo
2018Hybrid realization of fillet weldKotlan, Václav; Hamar, Roman; Šroubová, Lenka; Doležel, Ivo
2013Impact of Humidity on Efficiency of Triboelectric Separator for Mixture of Plastic ParticlesŠtarman, Václav; Kacerovský, Jan; Mach, František; Karban, Pavel; Doležel, Ivo