Browsing by Author Hlaváč, Zdeněk

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Application of spectral tuning on the dynamic model of the reactor VVER 1000 support cylinderMusil, Aleš; Hlaváč, Zdeněk
2012Dynamic response of nuclear fuel assembly excited by pressure pulsationsZeman, Vladimír; Hlaváč, Zdeněk
2009Dynamic wheelset drive load of the railway vehicle caused by short-circuit motor momentZeman, Vladimír; Hlaváč, Zdeněk
2014Estimation of the nuclear fuel assembly eigenfrequencies in the probability senseZeman, Vladimír; Hlaváč, Zdeněk
2020Generalized modal reduction method for the dynamic analysis of rotating mechanical systemsZeman, Vladimír; Hlaváč, Zdeněk
2020Generalized modal reduction method for the dynamic analysis ofrotating mechanical systemsZeman, Vladimír; Hlaváč, Zdeněk
2016Mathematical modelling of friction-vibration interactions of nuclear fuel rodsZeman, Vladimír; Hlaváč, Zdeněk
2011Modal properties of the flexural vibrating package of rods linked by spacer gridsZeman, Vladimír; Hlaváč, Zdeněk
2011Modelling and modal properties of nuclear fuel assemblyZeman, Vladimír; Hlaváč, Zdeněk
2007Modelling and modal properties of the railway vehicle bogie with two individual wheelset drivesZeman, Vladimír; Hlaváč, Zdeněk; Byrtus, Miroslav
2018Modelling of the friction-vibration interactions in reactor core barrel couplingsZeman, Vladimír; Hlaváč, Zdeněk
2018Modelling of the friction-vibration interactions in reactor core barrel couplingsZeman, Vladimír; Hlaváč, Zdeněk
2009Optimization of the railway vehicle bogie in term of dynamicsHlaváč, Zdeněk; Zeman, Vladimír
2013Prediction of the nuclear fuel rod abrasionZeman, Vladimír; Hlaváč, Zdeněk
2014Seismic response of nuclear fuel assemblyHlaváč, Zdeněk; Zeman, Vladimír
2021Two-stage modelling of hexagonal fuel assemblies vibration considering mechanical nonlinearitiesZeman, Vladimír; Dyk, Štěpán; Hlaváč, Zdeněk