Browsing by Author Mach, František

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Adaptive error estimators for solving of wave equationsKarban, Pavel; Mach, František
2015Analysis of natural frequencies in the transformer coreKoudela, Lukáš; Karban, Pavel; Mach, František; Schlosser, Martin; Sýkora, Martin; Karel, Jan
2013Calculation of Force Acting on the Armature of Electromagnetic ActuatorMach, František; Karban, Pavel; Kůs, Pavel; Korous, Lukáš
2020Collective planar actuation of miniature magnetic robots towards individual robot operationKuthan, Jiří; Juřík, Martin; Vítek, Martin; Mach, František
2009Design of electromagnetic actuator and experimental verification of its parametersMach, František
2022Electronic Waste Separation Using Magnetic MinirobotsCarvan, Ondřej; Juřík, Martin; Kuthan, Jiří; Vítek, Martin; Mach, František
2015Experimental electrostatic separator for plastic mixtureKacerovský, Jan; Brabec, Jan; Mach, František; Karban, Pavel; Doležel, Ivo
2013Experimental Study of Triboelectric Separator for Mixture of Plastic ParticlesŠtarman, Václav; Kacerovský, Jan; Mach, František; Karban, Pavel; Doležel, Ivo
2015Genetic algorithm with prediction of unsuitable variants based on existing solutionsMach, František; Karban, Pavel; Doležel, Ivo
2011High voltage insulator for outdoor use solved by adaptive finite element methodMach, František; Karban, Pavel
2013Impact of Humidity on Efficiency of Triboelectric Separator for Mixture of Plastic ParticlesŠtarman, Václav; Kacerovský, Jan; Mach, František; Karban, Pavel; Doležel, Ivo
2023Magnetic actuation of miniature robots on planar surfaces: Mathematical modeling and estimation of parametersKoua, Kadio Ettien Jean; Kuthan, Jiří; Juřík, Martin; Vítek, Martin; Mach, František
2019Magnetic actuation of multiple robots by the coplanar coils systemKuthan, Jiří; Juřík, Martin; Mach, František
2020Magnetic forces behind hyperelastic behavior of magnetorheological elastomersSodomka, Ondřej; Skřivan, Vojtěch; Mach, František
2022Magnetically Assembled Electronic Digital MaterialsLapuník, Vojtěch; Juřík, Martin; Vítek, Martin; Kuthan, Jiří; Mach, František
2022Magnetically Controlled Microfluidic ChannelsSodomka, Ondřej; Skřivan, Vojtěch; Jozová, Kateřina; Mach, František
2019Magnetically guided soft robotic grippersSkřivan, Vojtěch; Sodomka, Ondřej; Mach, František
2013Mathematical modelling of direct current corona discharge problems in airMach, František; Kůs, Pavel; Karban, Pavel; Doležel, Ivo
2021Non-contact Electromagnetic Actuator for a Ball ValveŠmucr, David; Vítek, Martin; Mach, František; Pospíšil, Karel
2015Numerické modelování fyzikálních polí diferenciálními metodami vyššího řádu přesnostiMach, František