Browsing by Author Pisár, Peter
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Are subsidies really needed?: the case Of EU regional policy in the Czech and Slovak republics | Šipikal, Miroslav; Pisár, Peter; Labudová, Viera |
2020 | The contribution of innovation actors into business R&D funding – does the substitution effect of public support work in the EU? | Pisár, Peter; Ďurčeková, Ina; Stachová, Mária |
2017 | Spatially blind or place based policy?: a comparison of innovation support in the Czech and Slovak republic | Šipikal, Miroslav; Szitásiová, Valéria; Pisár, Peter; Uramová, Mária |
2010 | Support of innovation at regional level | Šipikal, Miroslav; Pisár, Peter; Uramová, Mária |