Browsing by Author Egerová, Dana

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Showing results 10 to 20 of 20 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Organisational climate: Employee perspectiveRotenbornová, Lucie; Egerová, Dana
2015Perspectives of talent management: evidence from czech and slovak business organisationsEgerová, Dana; Lančarič, Drahoslav; Eger, Ludvík; Savov, Radovan
2023The Relation Between Leadership and Expected Results from the Educational Process Within School CultureEger, Ludvík; Egerová, Dana
2018Social network Facebook and customer engagement: A pilot case study from the Czech RepublicEger, Ludvík; Egerová, Dana
2015Talent v organizačním prostředí - teoretické přístupy a implikace pro talent managementEgerová, Dana
2019Top management team composition and financial performance: examining the role of gender diversityEgerová, Dana; Nosková, Marta
2019Top Management Team Composition and Financial Performance: Examining the Role of Gender DiversityEgerová, Dana; Nosková, Marta
2021Towards understanding of workplace conflict: an examination into causes and conflict management strategiesEgerová, Dana; Rotenbornová, Lucie
2018Trends in Gender Economic Equality and Empowerment: The Case of the Czech RepublicEgerová, Dana; Rubáková, Věra
2020Trust Building and Fake News on Social Media from the Perspective of University Students from Four Visegrad CountriesEger, Ludvík; Egerová, Dana; Mičík, Michal; Varga, Erika; Czeglédi, Csilla; Tomczyk, Lukasz; Sládkayová, Michaela
2022Využítí virtuální reality ve vzdělávání pracovníků v oblasti bezpečnosti práce a ochrany zdraví: přehled literaturyKristl Volfová, Monika; Egerová, Dana