Browsing by Author Procházka, Pavel

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Anisotropy of Turbulent Flow around an AirfoilUruba, Václav; Procházka, Pavel; Skála, Vladislav
2018Dynamics of flow in a branch of a branching channelUruba, Václav; Procházka, Pavel; Skála, Vladislav
2021Dynamics of flow in a branching channelUruba, Václav; Procházka, Pavel; Skála, Vladislav
2020Dynamics of the Tip Vortices in the Wake Behind a Circular Cylinder of Finite LengthUruba, Václav; Procházka, Pavel
2022Effect of Cylinder Roughness on Strouhal NumberYanovych, Vitalii; Duda, Daniel; Uruba, Václav; Procházka, Pavel; Antoš, Pavel
2018Evolution of vortical structures behind an inclined flat plateProcházka, Pavel; Uruba, Václav; Skála, Vladislav
2022Experimental and Numerical Study on Vortical Structures and Their Dynamics in a Pump SumpUruba, Václav; Procházka, Pavel; Sedlář, Milan; Komárek, Martin; Duda, Daniel
2020Experimental Research and Numerical Analysis of Flow Phenomena in Discharge Object with SiphonSedlář, Milan; Procházka, Pavel; Komárek, Martin; Uruba, Václav; Skála, Vladislav
2018Flow Structure behind a Wing at High Reynolds NumbersUruba, Václav; Pátek, Zdeněk; Procházka, Pavel; Skála, Vladislav; Zacho, David; Kulhánek, Robert
2020Hodnocení projektuProcházka, Pavel
2022Influence of surface roughness on the wake structure of a circular cylinder at Reynolds number 5× 103 to 12× 103Michálek, Petr; Procházka, Pavel; Uruba, Václav; Stanislav, Pospíšil
2023Inovace v kontextu čtvrté průmyslové revoluceProcházka, Pavel
2021Investigation of Low-Frequency Phenomena within Flow Pattern in Standard Mixing Vessel Induced by Pitched Blade ImpellerBrůha, Tomáš; Procházka, Pavel; Uruba, Václav
2021On 3D flow pattern behind a wall-mounted circular cylinder of finite-lengthUruba, Václav; Procházka, Pavel
2018On 3D Flow Structure of the Boundary Layer on the Suction Side of a PlateUruba, Václav; Procházka, Pavel; Skála, Vladislav
2018On 3D structure of wake behind an inclined plateUruba, Václav; Procházka, Pavel; Skála, Vladislav
2020On the 3D dynamics of the wake behing a circular cylinderUruba, Václav; Procházka, Pavel; Skála, Vladislav
2018On the 3D structure of the flow-field in the vicinity of inclined plateProcházka, Pavel; Uruba, Václav; Skála, Vladislav
2020On the Recirculation Zone Behind a Cylinder of Finite Length with Subcritical Aspect RatioProcházka, Pavel; Uruba, Václav
2018On the streamwise structures in the boundary layer under adverse pressure gradient on an inclined plateUruba, Václav; Procházka, Pavel; Skála, Vladislav