Title: Porozumění francouzskému odbornému textu v kurzech pro vysokoškolské studenty (nefilology) na základě využití elementárních znalostí lexikologie
Authors: Horová, Helena
Citation: Akta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2014, č. 1, s. 176-192.
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: článek
URI: http://actaff.zcu.cz/export/sites/ffacta/archives/2014/ACTA_FF_2014_1.pdf
ISSN: 1802-0364
Keywords: francouzština;lexikologie;čtení;porozumění
Keywords in different language: french;lexicology;reading;comprehension
Abstract: The aim of our study is to address the issue of professional reading and comprehension scholarly French text. We ask ourselves, both through knowledge of basic lexicological phenomena and problems enable students of French focus of professional skill of reading scholarly French texts. The study deals with reading comprehension skills. Different types of reading and definition of skills according to the Common European Framework of Reference are introduced. Attention is paid to three main approaches: the overall comprehension the text, understanding the part of the text and comprehension one sentence. The last part presents the phenomena of lexicology French, whose knowledge can facilitate reading and comprehension the scholarly French text.
Rights: © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Appears in Collections:Číslo 1 (2014)
Články / Articles (KRO)
Číslo 1 (2014)

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