Číslo 1 (2013) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Tlučhoř, Jan
Úvodní slovo |
Ježek, Jiří
Evaluační výzkum projktu Plzeň - Evropské hlavní město kultury 2015 The aim of the paper is to make a professional public acquainted with basic approaches, principles and indicators on a base of which a conception of monitoring and evaluation system conception of the project Pilsen – European Capital of Culture 2015 was created. The... |
Malý, Josef
Taušer, Josef
Model přijímání inovací a jeho využití v praxi Permanent innovations are a key success factor on highly competitive markets. Companies which have invested into the research and development activities during the financial crisis have strengthened their position on the market whereas the companies which were oriented rather to cost&... |
Martinčík, David
Podnikatelé by neměli čekat na vyřešení ekonomické krize a potiori "Mr. Keynes and the classics" The article explains the disunity of Keynesian theory per se for solution of current economic crisis. The advanced analysis of aggregate demand transmission mechanism is provided and the efficiency of stabilization politics is examined. The recommendations of fiscal stimulus could be&... |
Cimler, Petr
Hommerová, Dita
Potměšil, Jaroslav
Přeshraniční nákupní turismus v česko-saském příhraničí Cross-border shopping tourism is a specific form of shopping tourism, the intensity and directions of which are very dependent on the changes of purchase conditions in the neighboring country. A shopping tourism research on the Czech citizens took place in 11 Saxony towns.... |
Černá, Marie
Requirements engineering Ten to twenty years ago, in connection with increasing importance of information, was established new discipline, information management. There are many approaches to this discipline. One of them is based on emphasizing complex, system and systemantic approach to life cycle of ... |
Jirásková, Eliška
Trendy v řízení lidských zdrojů Recently increased emphasis is placed on personnel management. Its key task becomes to identify, acquire, retain and also to develop the employees of the company. This role complains the fact, that it cannot be unify, and also the constantly changing external environment of&... |
Stankovič, Lýdia
Vybrané analyzované strategické rozvojové dokumenty Európskej únie This paper focuses on the analysis of selected strategic development documents of the European Union, namely the document National Strategic Reference Framework. On the basis of this document, the Slovak Republic in the programming period 2007 – 2013 is able to use resources... |
Semerád, Pavel
Dvořáková, Veronika
Zdanění reklamy jako finanční podpory sportovců a sportovních družstev This paper deals with the problems of advertising in sport and marketing by sportsmen and sports clubs in the Czech Republic. The methodological procedures of taxation are emphasized and recommendations for proper application of the advertising contract are given. The paper also&... |
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