Číslo 3 (2016) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Horová, Helena
HILDEBRANT, Zuzana, KACPRZAK Alicja & SABLAYROLLES, Jean-François (2016): Emprunts néologiques et équivalents autochtones en français, en polonais et en tchèque. Paříž: Lambert-Lucas. |
Krčál, Petr
BAUMAN, Zygmunt (2015): Tohle není deník. Praha: Academia |
Naxera, Vladimír
ROJEK, Paweł (2015): Rusko: prokletí impéria. Zdroje ruského politického chování. Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury. |
Křížek, Daniel
Rozhovor s profesorem Lubošem Kropáčkem |
Novotný, Jaroslav
Hnutie Anonymous: príklad dočasnej autonómie zóny v kybernetickom priestore The Temporary Autonomous Zone by Hakim Bey has elicited a great response from the anarchist movement. Based on the historical events of the 20th century, the author has refuted the concept of the revolution and openly criticizes it as damaging to the fight for a stateless... |
Herčík, Tomáš
Sociální kapitál a demokracie v provinciích Argentiny According to Robert D. Putnam, social capital contributes to better governmental performance and also better democracy. In short, the more social capital, the better governmental performance and/or higher level of democracy. The aim of this paper is to test this claim and the ... |
Koláříková, Dagmar
Všichni možní sběrači, aneb, Jak pojmenovat nové skutečnosti ve francouzštině Gleaning is an ancient tradition, deeply embedded in the agricultural world; nevertheless, it has never fully disappeared from human society. The gleaning of household waste takes place in different ways in different parts of the world. This paper examines modern gleaners from a li... |
Suchá, Romana
Vícejazyčnost a gestika ve cvičném obchodním jednání Čechů a Francouzů This article presents the results of research into the use of gestures by Czech and French speakers in business negotiation training. Its aim was to point out intercultural differences in the use of hand gestures. The research had several standpoints: linguistics, psychology, and s... |
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