Články / Articles (KHI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Dufková, Alena
Východská, Helena
Vyučování a učitelé v rodině posledních ruský carů Alexandra III. a Nikolaje II. The study aims to explore and characterize the structure of the educational system used by the last two generations of the Russian Imperial Family. The main points of interest are the content of the system, its time management, preferred educational methods, forms of evaluation... |
Řeháček, Karel
Státní hranice a poměry v západočeském příhraničí mezi válkami The article deals with the protection of the Czech-German state border in western Bohemia between the wars |
Řeháček, Karel
„Věčné bratrství“ mezi Prešovem a Plzní? Autenticita, poznaná nutnost nebo prostě jen povinnost? The article deals with the partnership of two Czechoslovak regional cities, Pilsen and Prešov, in the second half of the 20th century |
Řeháček, Karel
Ve službách ideologií. Německé školství na Karlovarsku v letech 1918–1945 The article is devoted to the penetration of nationalist and Nazi ideology into German education in Karlovy Vary in the years 1918-1945 |
Řeháček, Karel
Dobřenice a majetkové poměry Loevensteinů počátkem okupace The article is devoted to the fate of the family of the general director of Škodovy závody in Pilsen, Karel Loevenstein, during the occupation. Special takes into account the fate of their large estate in Dobřenice near Hradec Králové. |
Řeháček, Karel
Inspektoráty menšinových škol v meziválečném Československu The article deals with the issue of supervision of minority education in Czechoslovakia in the years 1918-1939. |
Řeháček, Karel
Archivní partnerství státních archivů v Plzni a Košicích The article deals with the issue of cooperation between two archival institutions in the former Czechoslovakia, the state archives in Pilsen and Košice. |
Řeháček, Karel
Porta fontium a její význam pro vzdělávání učitelů dějepisu The article is devoted to the importance of the Porta fontium information system for the education of history students and history teachers |
Řeháček, Karel
Boje o „investituru“ u sv. Bartoloměje v Plzni. Zákulisí instalace plzeňských arciděkanů v první polovině 20. století The article is devoted to the method of filling the positions of Pilsen archdeacons in the first half of the 20th century. On the basis of patronage law, the patron, in this case the city of Pilsen, had this privilege. The article describes the background behind the&... |
Polívka, Jiří
Morávková, Naděžda
Korespondence historika Josefa Strnada, zakladatele odborného plzeňského dějepisectví, uložená v Archivu města Plzně This article is dedicated to Josef Strnad, the founder of modern ar- chiving and historiography in Pilsen and his correspondence with important historians and colleagues of those times. He was a historian of the “Goll school” and a secondary school teacher. His corresp... |
Kilián, Jan
Fridrich z Bílé (†1621). Zapomenutý stavovský direktor The article deals with life and career of one of the victims of the Prague execution in 1621, Friedrich of Bílá, the owner of Řehlovice, to whom historiography has so far paid virtually no attention. He was a very educated man, the estate director, the g... |
Kumpera, Jan
Dálková zpověď profesora Hrocha |
Dufková, Alena
Východská, Helena
Vyučování a učitelé v rodině posledních ruský carů Alexandra III. a Nikolaje II. The study aims to explore and characterize the structure of the educational sys‑ tem used by the last two generations of the Russian Imperial Family. The main points of interest are the content of the system, its time management, preferred educational methods, forms... |
Fritzová, Marie
Jak ženy-matky hodnotily vliv pandemie na svůj osobní život This study focuses on the effects of a pandemic crisis during its first year on women‑mothers in the Pilsen Region. A total of 194 respondents (145 from the Pilsen Region) were interviewed. The study gradually deals with five topics to which the respondents answer... |
Řeháček, Karel
„Věčné bratrství“ mezi Prešovem a Plzní? Autenticita, poznaná nutnost nebo prostě jen povinnost? The article is devoted to the cooperation of two regional cities of former Czechoslovakia, Pilsen in West Bohemia and Prešov in East Slovakia. It was established shortly after the February coup in 1948 and lasted until the end of the totalitarian regime in 1989. Wh... |
Kilián, Jan
Vilém Konecchlumský z Konecchlumí († 21. 6. 1621). Rytíř a povstalec Vilém Konecchlumský of Konecchlumí was one of the victims of the „Old Town execution“ and a member of a small knightly family, which, apart from himself, did not make a significant contribution to Czech history. Vilém also owned only small properties, initially in the Jičín... |
Řeháček, Karel
Meziválečný vývoj v Německu a jeho dopady na situaci v západních Čechách After the establishment of Czechoslovakia in October 1918, the newly formed state went through a number of internal crises, especially of economic, social, but also national character. The last crisis had its roots in the very architecture of the state under construction wit... |
Morávková, Naděžda
Mladší generace Plzeňské historické školy a Václav Mentberger The article deals with the so‑called younger Pilsen historical school and one of the important representatives of its non‑academic branch, Václav Mentberger. The Pilsen historical school was an informal association of historians working mainly within the Archive of the City of Pi... |
Řeháček, Karel
Proměna postavení farských hospodyní v polovině 20. století s přihlédnutím k situaci na Plzeňsku The status of parish housekeepers underwent a turbulent development during the 20th century. From a simple servant, completely dependent on the clergy, she became a full‑fledged employee of the parish, an associate of a priest, a parish sister. The emancipation process has a... |
Kilián, Jan
Pichlové z Pichelberka a sourozenecký spor o dědictví The first part of the study deals with the origin of the family Pichl of Pichelberk, the fate of its members and the development of their modest prop- erty domain. Part two is a description and analysis of their sibling dispute over the inheritance between one brothe... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra historie / Department of History
- 26 conference
- 26 konference
- 12 Plzeň
- 11 Pilsen
- < předchozí další >
- 28 2020 - 2022
- 157 2011 - 2019
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