Katedra sociologie / Department of Sociology
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Sosna, Daniel
Magnetism of strangeness: Silenced histories of landscapes Why do certain parts of landscape become places for waste disposal? This simple question seems to be easy to answer given the existence of sophisticated tools for formal modelling of a range of environmental, economic, social, and political variables which are supposed to minimize&... |
Vašát, Petr
Váně, Jan
Governed by atmospheres: Affect, materiality and everyday benevolence in homeless encampments during the COVID-19 pandemic This article explores the operation of homeless encampments as a part of governance by highlighting the role of affective atmospheres. The COVID-19 pandemic and the imposition of lockdowns have seen the introduction of unprecedented measures into homelessness governance in Czech cities. Some... |
Dirga, Lukáš
Prokopová, Hana
Open Prison Works: Sharing Experiences from the Czech Republic It has been more than 4 years since the first Open prison was established in the Czech Republic. Although it is still largely a pilot verification of this format under Czech conditions, the first evaluations are already appearing. The aim of this study is to present ... |
Kobes, Tomáš
The Maria Stock Pathway. On the building of memorial landscape in the West Bohemian Region This article focuses on the building of a pathway that serves as a basic platform for remembering a forgotten pilgrimage site in the West Bohemian Region. It examines the building of the pathway as a transformation process from an original idea to the final form, which... |
Tovaryšová, Karolína
Řezáč, Karel
Postoje sociálních pracovníků k odlišnosti příbuzenských a nepříbuzenských pěstounů OBJECTIVES: The thesis aims to find out the attitudes of social workers in the substitute care system to the differences between foster parents and kinship carers. THEORETICAL BASE: The theoretical base is perceived from current legislative, empiric, and theoretical knowledge of the sub... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- 20 2020 - 2023
- 41 2010 - 2019
- 10 2005 - 2009