Číslo 1 (2018) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Avanesova, Maria
Pomerancev, Peter (2016): Nic není pravda a všechno je možné. Surreální srdce nového Ruska. Praha: Dokořán. 259 s. ISBN 978-80-7363- 704-0. |
Mudrochová, Radka
Sablayrolles, Jean-François (2017): Les néologismes. Créer des mots français aujourd’hui. Paris: Éditions Garnier, Le Monde. 94 s. ISBN 978- 2-35184-186-0. |
Rosůlek, Přemysl
On islamophobia in CEE countrfies: interview with Prof. Ivan Kalmar |
Ondříčková, Marie
Popis rekonstrukce dvou stříbrných píšťal z Uru The paper focuses on the reconstruction of the silver flutes (pipes) discovered in Ur. The artifacts were found in a fragmentary state and this is the reason why we cannot offer perfect reconstruction. These artifacts are in the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology ... |
Hájková, Nikola
Neutuchající spor o jihočínské moře: strategie zajišťování jako vhodná reakce států jihovýchodní Asie na aktivity Číny v oblasti? This article deals with the perpetual territorial disputes in the South China Sea and attempts to explain the relations between China, the USA, the South China Sea states, and selected international organizations/regimes from the perspective of a hedging strategy. The hedging strategy... |
Nesiba, Jiří
Smolík, Josef
Mezi racionalismem a judaismem: filozofická sebereflexe Raymonda Arona The paper analyses the work of French philosopher Raymond Aron from the perspective of how he was influenced by his personal experience with anti-Semitism and how it hanged his description of Judaism. The article focuses on the fact that Aron preferred a methodological approach... |
Glajchová, Alena
Rekonceptualizace pojmu zranitelnosti a jeho užití coby analytického nástroje This paper focuses on the notion of vulnerability and its conceptualization in the scientific sphere. The concept of vulnerability is used frequently, but its explanation and definition is vague and insufficient. The main purpose of this paper is to point out the limitations of... |
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