Název: Hledání jiného: obraz Ruska v současné české beletrii
Autoři: Pešková, Michaela
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: PEŠKOVÁ, Michaela. Hledání jiného: Obraz Ruska v současné české beletrii. In Aktuální problémy současné slavistiky : (jazyk - literatura - kultura - politika). Brno : Galium, 2015, s. 201-208. ISBN 978-80-905336-5-3.
Datum vydání: 2015
Nakladatel: Galium
Typ dokumentu: kapitola v knize
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/30760
ISBN: 978-80-905336-5-3
Klíčová slova: současná česká literatura;Rusko;imagologie;národní identita
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: contemporary Czech literature;Russia;imagology;national identity
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: This paper analyzes the representation of Russia in contemporary Czech serious literature. A group of prose works, whose central theme is Russia, is not too large. We find in them many common elements. Situational factors of storytelling are the same (the dismemberment of the Soviet empire, the wild Russia of the 90´s), a displaying of area shows common features - the authors attracts peripherals of Siberia (mostly Evenks) and the Caucasus. In the novels is "other" Russia presented in particular. The need for a "different" - different from "our" - corresponds to the narrow selectivity of the described locations. The primary objective of novels is not the comparison of properties of the two nations, but when the narrator comments Czech - Russian relations, then he states distancing Czechs and Russians, specifies in contrast we x you.
Práva: © Galium
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