Název: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Optical Gap of Two-Dimensional Halide Solid Solutions CsPb2 (Cl1-xBrx)(5)
Autoři: Chen, Yibao
Molokeev, Maxim S.
Atuchin, Victor V.
Al-Jaary, Ali H. Reshak
Auluck, Sushil
Alahmed, Zeyad A.
Xia, Zhiguo
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: CHEN, Y., MOLOKEEV, M. S., ATUCHIN, V. V., AL-JAARY, A. H. R., AULUCK, S., ALAHMED, Z. A., XIA, Z. Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Optical Gap of Two-Dimensional Halide Solid Solutions CsPb2 (Cl1-xBrx)(5). INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2018, roč. 57, č. 15, s. 9531-9537. ISSN: 0020-1669
Datum vydání: 2018
Nakladatel: American Chemical Society
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85051193522
ISSN: 0020-1669
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: Light-emitting-diodes
surface chemical-stability
iluminescence properties
vibrational properties
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: Exploring new perovskite-related solid-state materials and the investigating composition-dependent structural and physical properties are highly important for advanced functional material development. Herein, we present the successful hydrothermal synthesis of tetragonal CsPb2Cl5 and the anion-exchange phase formation of CsPb2(Cl1-xBrx)5 (x = 0-1) solid solutions. The CsPb2(Cl1-xBrx)5 crystal structures, which crystallize in the tetragonal system, space group 14/mcm, with parameters similar to those of CsPb2Cl5, have been determined by Rietveld analysis. The optical band gap was obtained by UV-vis spectroscopy, and the band structure was further calculated by the full-potential method within the generalized gradient approximation. It was revealed that the band gap in CsPb2(Cl1- xBrx)5 solid solutions can be tuned over the range of 4.5-3.8 eV by anion substitution.
Práva: Plný text není přístupný.
© American Chemical Society
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