Benda, Libor
Collins, Harry (2017): Gravity’s Kiss: The Detection of Gravitational Waves. Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press. 408 s. ISBN 978-0-262-03618-4.
Merglová, Kateřina
Agassi, Joseph, Abraham Meidan (2016): Beg to Differ: The Logic of Disputes and Argumentation. Göttingen: Copernicus. 138 s. ISBN 978- 3-319-33306-9.
Naxera, Vladimír
Charvát, Jakub, Petr Just (2017): Krize politického stranictví a noví straničtí aktéři v české politice. Praha: Metropolitan University Prague Press. 117 s. ISBN 978-80-87956-47-2.
Lochmannová, Alena
Rychlík, Martin (2018): Dějiny vlasů: Účesy, vousy, chlupy a péče o ně. Praha: Academia. 364 s. ISBN 978-80-200-2861-7.
Chroustovský, Luboš
Zpráva z konference Dźwięki przeszłości w przyszłości (Warszawa, 2018)
Naxera, Vladimír
O Slovenském národním povstání a jeho odkazu: Rozhovor s Miroslavem Michelou
Jakoubek, Marek
Fatková, Gabriela
Plzeňská bulharistka: od začátku do konce (Bulharistická bádán ína Katedře antropologie Západočeské univerzity v Plzni)
In the Czech Republic, Bulgarian (and Balkan) studies have been tradition-
ally pursued in departments of philology. In this country, knowledge about the life and culture of the Balkan count...
Kolaříková, Dagmar
Jak lexém bitcoin obohatil český a francouzský jazyk
Bitcoin, first introduced in 2008, and other virtual currencies (litecoin, ripple, ethereum, dash, etc. – known as “altcoins”) are a phenomenon of the 21 st century. When
speaking about bitcoins, views on cryptocurrency-related risks and benefits vary ...
Tellinger, Dušan
Erich Fried’s Prose in Changes of our Times (in Honour of his 30 th Jubilee of Death 1988–2018)
The overall purpose of the researched study is to describe the confrontation between two basic translational principles in E. Fried’s prose and translational activities – naturalizing versus foreignizing (according to L. V...
Gorazd-Dziuban, Paulina
Sacred Romanesque Architecture of Knights Hospitaller in the Polish Lands
The Romanesque Knights Hospitaller’s churches on the Polish Lands are only a fracture of the catalogue of the medieval architecture. Despite their small contribution to the history of the Church, they are extraordinary elements of the rich history of the Piast State. The paper ...
Hynčica, Pavel
Šárovec, Daniel
Slovenské politické strany optikou konceptu novosti
The emergence and success of new political parties are one of the typical reflections of the dynamics of party system development. This phenomenon can also be observed in the context of gradual changes ...