Číslo 2 - EEICT 2011 (2011) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Zukal, Martin
Číka, Petr
Utilization of interest point detectors in content based image retrieval The paper deals with content based image retrieval in general and interest point detectors as one of possible methods used in object recognition. There are described current trends in narrowing down the so called “Semantic gap” and we propose a new solution how to achieve ... |
Babinec, Tomáš
Číp, Pavel
Display inspection system Graphical user interfaces are often the best solution for creating an easy to use human machine interface. Their development has an iterative character and requires periodical testing of the functionality and consistency of the graphical output. This paper deals with the design of ... |
Hynčica, Tomáš
Bradáč, Zdeněk
Wireless transmission of images from a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera Aim of this article is to describe a development of a camera system which enables a wireless image transmission. We used a small CCD camera for taking images, that camera is connected to a special module developed during this work. The camera system is composed of th... |
Záměčník, Dušan
Veselý, Ivo
Model predictive current controller of induction machine Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a modern approach belonging to the group of "long range predictive control" which enables control system taking into account in system manner constraints given by physical limitations. The state of art in most drive applications in industry is... |
Deeb, Ramia
Calculation of eddy current losses in permanent magnets of servo motor Eddy current losses are generated inside magnets of permanent magnet motors (PM motors), due to both of the high conductivity of the rare-earth magnet, neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB), and to the harmonics of slot/tooth. These losses can increase the temperature inside the magnets that... |
Knápek, Alexandr
Grmela, Lubomír
Stability analysis of cold-emission cathodes with epoxy coating In this paper, the current stability analysis was performed on the cold-emission cathode covered by a thin epoxy film. Non-destructive spectroscopic method, which is based on measuring current fluctuations, has been used to determine cathodes’ quality, which directly influents the stability ... |
Škarvada, Pavel
Tománek, Pavel
Palai-Dany, Tomáš
Artificial defects of solar cells Artificial defects of solar cells are observable with laser beam induced current techniques. Reversed bias solar cell light emission can also reveal structure inhomogenity and local mechanical damage of the sample. The paper shows simple method for basic classification into structure group... |
Macků, Robert
Koktavý, Pavel
Impact of local defects on photon emission, electric current fluctuation and reliability of silicon solar cells studied by electro-optical methods This paper, for the first time, investigates localized defects of silicon solar cells. These imperfections represent real problem because of solar cell long-term degradation and decreasing conversion efficiency. To solve this issue, this paper does systematic research about optical investigation ... |
Šolony, Marek
Zemčík, Pavel
Scene reconstruction from kinect motion This paper demonstrates the capabilities of the Kinect [1] device for the purpose of building dense 3D map of the small indoor environments. The range scans from this device provide the information about the 3D structure of scene in the form of 3D point clouds. The a... |
Dittrich, Petr
Chudý, Peter
Application of Kalman filter to oversampled data from global position system for flight path reconstruction Many applications exist that exploit Global Positioning System (GPS) as a source of position and velocity data. A main problem of the GPS data is its inconsistency on higher sampling frequencies. The usage of enhanced Kalman Filter usage to fill the gaps between the GPS d... |
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- Electroscope
- Ročník 2011