Číslo 1-2 (2017) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Benediktová, Lenka
Aplikace Kahoot! ve výuce přírodopisu na základní škole The article deals with the use of mobile devices (tablets and smartphones) in education. Even though it is possible to use these tools in education with the basic software, it is appropriate to equip t... |
Rak, Pavel
GIS ve výuce zeměpisu na druhém stupni základního vzdělávání The aim of this article is to describe positives and negatives of introduction of geographical information systems (GIS) into the Czech lower secondary education of geography. GIS is complex system for spatial data processing. Most of us uses the&... |
Rychtera, Jiří
Hásek, Roman
Vybrané prostředky k myšlenkové transformaci kritického učiva chemie The Czech Republic has been solving a long time issue concerning decreasing interest in the study of natural sciences. Causes of the problem are being identified, but more importantly, the ways leading towards... |
Melicherčíková, Danica
Bellová, Renata
Tomčík, Peter
Farebné zmeny a výučba chémie Continuously decreasing level of scientific literacy of 15 year old students in Slovak Republic and in some OECD countries, according to international PISA testing, needs some changes in the education process. A principal change is required to involve students more in education and... |
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