Číslo 3 (2019) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Braun, Emese
Veresne Valentinyi, Klára
HR Trends at the beginning of the 21st century This article examines and forecasts the HR trends at the beginning of the 21st century through giving a brief summary and comparison of the main forecasts and tendencies. There are quite a few forecasts published by HR experts, but no comparison has been made so far ... |
Rosůlek, Přemysl
The post-truth age, the fake news industry, the Russian Federation and the Central European area In this text, I first come up with the conceptualization of the terms ‘post-truth age’, ‘news’ and ‘fake news’. I explain the difference between news and fake news in a larger context of the post-truth age. In this regard I argue that for the contemporary period... |
Sládkayová, Michaela
Krejčíková, Katarína
Využívanie sociálnych sietí vybranými mimovládnymi organizáciami v Slovenskej republike The aim of the article is to explain the increasing importance of social networks as a presentation and communication tool for the non-governmental sector. In this article we focus on the presentation and communication of selected NGOs on the Facebook social network. We analy... |
Eger, Ludvík
Sládkayová, Michaela
Regional governments in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and communication with the public using social media The two past decades have seen changes in communication between regional government and the public. Namely, the new Y and Z generations are skilled in ICT use and accustomed to immediate access to information using Internet. They also expect not only information but also inter... |
Czeglédi, Csilla
Borsos, Eszter
Varga, Erika
Veresné Valentinyi, Klára
Social media networking among university students at Szent István University Over the last twenty years social media and networking have gained popularity and interest among the young, middle aged and elderly. It can be declared, however with caution, that it is the young who are connected to the social media the most. A current V4 no. 218202... |
Eger, Ludvík
Aplikace teorie užití a uspokojení, sociální média a značky na sociálních sítích Firms and their brands increasingly interact with their audience also on social media. Brand fan pages on social networks or online brand communities have become very popular online services. By creating brand communities in social media, such as Facebook brand pages, firms deliver ... |
Koudelková, Petra
Chování generace Z na sociálních sítích: prostředí, kterému (ne)důvěřují Generation Z is slowly coming to the forefront of the interests of businessmen, employers and other stakeholders. The common interest is to find out how they behave on the internet. Is their behavior the same as in real life? The paper analyses the basic knowledge of ... |
Jánská, Veronika
Mičík, Michal
Bezpečnost na sociálních sítích Social media provide many benefits to its users, but with their use, people also face many risks. In this paper, the authors focus on these risks and, using two methods, a questionnaire survey and a focus group, research of the target group is conducted. The aim of... |
Eger, Ludvík
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