Název: Effect of channel geometry on ion-concentration polarization-based preconcentration and desalination
Autoři: Kovář, Petr
Tichý, David
Slouka, Zdeněk
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: KOVÁŘ, P., TICHÝ, D., SLOUKA, Z. Effect of channel geometry on ion-concentration polarization-based preconcentration and desalination. Biomicrofluidics, 2019, roč. 13, č. 6, s. [1-10]. ISSN 1932-1058.
Datum vydání: 2019
Nakladatel: American Institute of Physics
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85074538452
ISSN: 1932-1058
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: Fluid flow;Water-splitting;Ion concentration polarization;Fluorescein;Ion exchange membrane
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: Polarization of the ion-selective systems results in the formation of ion-depleted and ion-concentrated zones in the electrolyte layers adjacent to the system. One can employ ion-concentration polarization for the removal of chargedlarge molecules and small ions from the flowing liquid. Removal of large molecules from the flowing solution and their local accumulation is often referred to as preconcentration, removal of small ions as desalination. Here, we study the effect of the channel geometry on the removal of charged species from their water solutions experimentally. Straight, converging, and diverging channels equipped with a pair of heterogeneous cation-exchange membranes are compared in terms of their effect on preconcentration of an observable fluorescein dye and on desalination of water solution of potassium chloride. Our results show that preconcentration of the dye is not significantly affected by the channel geometry. The distance of the preconcentration band from one of the membranes was approximately the same in all tested channel geometries. The major difference was in the location of the band within the channel, when the conical channels localized the band at one of the channel walls. The straight channel showed a slightly broader range of applicable flow rates. The semibatch desalination of 0.01M KCl solution turned out to be more efficient in conical channels, which was associated with a larger volume of the channel available for the accumulation of the concentratedsolution. Our results suggest that conical channels can be advantageously used in transforming the ion-concentrationpolarization- based semibatch desalination into a fully continuous one.
Práva: Plný text není přístupný.
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