Název: Three-dimensional mathematical model of the liquid film downflow on a vertical surface
Autoři: Pavlenko, Ivan
Liaposhchenko, Oleksandr
Ochowiak, Marek
Olszewski, Radoslaw
Demianenko, Maryna
Starynskyi, Oleksandr
Ivanov, Vitalii
Yanovych, Vitalii
Włodarczak, Sylwia
Doligalski, Michal
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: PAVLENKO, I. LIAPOSHCHENKO, O. OCHOWIAK, M. OLSZEWSKI, R. DEMIANENKO, M. STARYNSKYI, O. IVANOV, V. YANOVYCH, V. WŁODARCZAK, S. DOLIGALSKI, M. Three-dimensional mathematical model of the liquid film downflow on a vertical surface. Energies, 2020, roč. 13, č. 8, s. 1-15. ISSN 1996-1073.
Datum vydání: 2020
Nakladatel: MDPI
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85083626086
ISSN: 1996-1073
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: Dimensionless parameters
Gas-liquidInterfacial surface
Separation layer
Velocity field
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: Film downflow from captured liquid without wave formation and its destruction is one of the most important aspects in the development of separation equipment. Consequently, it is necessary to create well-organized liquid draining in areas of captured liquid. Thus, the proposed 3D mathematical model of film downflow allows for the determination of the hydrodynamic parameters of the liquid film flow and the interfacial surface. As a result, it was discovered that the interfacial surface depends on the proposed dimensionless criterion, which includes internal friction stress, channel length, and fluid density. Additionally, equations for determining the averaged film thickness, the averaged velocity vectors over the film thickness, the longitudinal and vertical velocity components, and the initial angle of streamline deviation from the vertical axis were analytically obtained.
Práva: © MDPI
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Články / Articles (KKE)

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