Číslo 1 (2021) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Pro autory |
Sladký, Aleš
Blues lyrics in teaching music and Czech at the grammar school My study is entitled: “Blues lyrics in teaching music and Czech at the grammar school” and now I will outline its fundamental contents, the basic conclusions of my study and the meth- ods used to help me reach these conclusions. The study is conceived as a... |
Karpíšek, Tomáš
Double bass in Czech music of the 21st century with a focus on solo and chamber music literature in a historical and international context My dissertation project Double bass in Czech music of the 21st century with a focus on solo and chamber music literature in a historical and international context aims to convey a report about the state of the Czech contemporary music for double bass in the ne... |
Keller, Veronika
Transatlantic connections: US-American music students at German conservatories, 1843–1918 This article provides a brief summary of the method and major findings of my dissertation about the US-American student migration to the German states between 1843 and 1918. The dissertation is entitled “Here I am in my Mecca”. Die US-amerikanische Musikschülermigration nach ... |
Philips, Anna Amy
Embracing indian and western classical music in the 21st century: Param Vir and Shankar Tucker The first (published) mention of Indian classical music in Western discourse takes us to William Jones’ On the Musical Modes of the Hindus (1784), which ignited a scholarly interest for the Orient in the Western world. Since then, over the years, several researchers... |
Žitný, Radek
Clarinettist Milan Kostohryz: His contribution to the field of reconstruction of historical instruments and his innovative promotion of new instruments My dissertation at the Department of Music Education and Culture at the University of West Bohemia is entitled “Milan Kostohryz. His contribution to music interpretation and pedagogy.” The dissertation focuses on an extraordinary musician, Milan Kostohryz (1911–1998), who had a ... |
Gadžijeva, Elvira
Russian methodologies of vocal training applied in a Czech children’s choir This paper presents a dissertation thesis project that focuses on Russian methodologies of vocal training and their application in a children’s choir, which requires a careful choice of methodologies and methodological approach to organization of choir lessons. The paper begins... |
Park, Yeo-Jin
Teachers’ beliefs at German music schools a “messy construct” in a grounded theory study Teachers at music schools in Germany are confronted with very complex demands in their profession, ranging from artistic experience in various genres to pedagogical skills in the context of both broad-based and top-level promotion, as well as different age groups. It is not&... |
Oravec, Lina
Steffens, Julia
Koblenz grounded theory research on movable-do solfège in German primary schools This article briefly introduces four Grounded Theory studies on the movable-do solfège ap - proach in German primary schools, all conducted at the University of Koblenz-Landau. Two interview studies by master students (1) Susanne Becker (2018) and (2) Julia Steffens (2019) ... |
Bubinger, Anne
Mental boundaries in teachers’ reflections on interculturalism in music lessons The German-speaking discourse on intercultural music education has gained increasing prominence since the 1970s and in particular more recently as a result of asylum and ref - ugee policies. While existing empirical studies focus primarily on the migration education perspective... |
Recklies, Erik Alexander
How to deal with classical music? Music teachers’ thoughts of western art music as a subject in music education Classical music has traditionally played a crucial role in German music education. Nowadays its importance in contexts of music education has become controversial since the world of music as well as educational concepts have become more diverse. So far there has been l... |
Oravec, Lina
Feiferlíková, Romana
Keller, Veronika
Doctorandi musicae ex Pilsna et Confluentibus – About this volume |
Vičar, Jan
A new magazine to note |
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