Title: Web Personalization And Artificial Intelligence As Tools For Marketing Communications
Authors: Kupec, Michael
Jakubíková, Dagmar
Kupec, Václav
Citation: KUPEC, M. JAKUBÍKOVÁ, D. KUPEC, V. Web Personalization And Artificial Intelligence As Tools For Marketing Communications. Media Literacy and Academic Research, 2021, roč. 4, č. 2, s. 100-118. ISSN: 2585-8726
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Faculty of Mass Media Communication
Document type: článek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/47205
ISSN: 2585-8726
Keywords in different language: internet;personalization;artificial intelligence;management;marketing;communication
Abstract in different language: Market relationships have undergone profound changes in the past two decades, which have been accelerated by the crisis of the global pandemic. This has led to a fundamental transformation in the communications not only of businesses but also of governments, organizations, and communities. This study addresses web personalization with an emphasis on artificial intelligence in the context of their use for managing and decision-making in marketing processes in practice. These two techniques tend to be often confused in practice, and for this reason it is helpful to define their positions and mutual interactions. The goal of this article is a theoretical comparison of web personalization and artificial intelligence as part of marketing processes and the proposal of a framework for their use for creators of any online media content. At the same time it sheds light on the meaning and use of web personalization for management in practice and in particular in marketing processes and proposes a model for implementing these techniques that can be used in strategic marketing. This article presents research questions and uses secondary data analysis in the form of literature review and content analysis. The result is categorization of web personalization and artificial intelligence techniques, identifying their mutual links, and proposing an application framework for marketing practice. This article contributes to the discussion by identifying managerial use of defined techniques and their position in strategies for producers of online content and offers a new perspective on the interaction of personalization and artificial intelligence, whereas this approach has not been sufficiently explored in the academic literatur
Rights: © authors
Appears in Collections:Články / Articles (KMO)

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