Název: On the Cheeger problem for rotationally invariant domains domains
Autoři: Bobkov, Vladimír
Parini, Enea
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: BOBKOV, V. PARINI, E. On the Cheeger problem for rotationally invariant domains domains. MANUSCRIPTA MATHEMATICA, 2021, roč. 166, č. 3-4, s. 503-522. ISSN: 0025-2611
Datum vydání: 2021
Nakladatel: Springer
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85095999523
ISSN: 0025-2611
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: Cheeger problem;rotationally invariant domains
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: We investigate the properties of the Cheeger sets of rotationally invariant, bounded domains ⊂ Rn. For a rotationally invariant Cheeger set C, the free boundary ∂C ∩ consists of pieces of Delaunay surfaces, which are rotationally invariant surfaces of constant mean curvature. We show that if is convex, then the free boundary of C consists only of pieces of spheres and nodoids. This result remains valid for nonconvex domains when the generating curve of C is closed, convex, and of class C1,1. Moreover, we provide numerical evidence of the fact that, for general nonconvex domains, pieces of unduloids or cylinders can also appear in the free boundary of C.
Práva: © Springer
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