Roč.12, č. 1 (2022) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
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Mašát, Milan
Anna Herbichová, Dívky, které přežily holokaust, Brno: CPress, 2021, 268 s. |
Mücke, Pavel
Stanislav Brouček a kol., Místo a úloha zahraničních Čechů v bilaterálních vztazích, Pelhřimov: Nová tiskárna Pelhřimov – Etnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. 2021, 212 s. |
Herda, Jiří
Vládní voják – rtm. Jan Sladkovský The government army was an armed corps that existed from July 1939 to May 1945 and was one of the elements of the apparent autonomy of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The maximum number of its members may not ex‑ ceed 8000. The government army... |
Fritzová, Marie
Jak ženy-matky hodnotily vliv pandemie na svůj osobní život This study focuses on the effects of a pandemic crisis during its first year on women‑mothers in the Pilsen Region. A total of 194 respondents (145 from the Pilsen Region) were interviewed. The study gradually deals with five topics to which the respondents answer... |
Švec, Radek
Pracovní úrazy a zdravotní péče u pomocných technických praporů (PTP) In my contribution, I discuss the topic of work injuries and medical care in the Auxiliary Technical Battalions, which, like other internment facilities of the communist regime (such as prisons and prison camps, civilian forced labor camps, or internment monasteries), is a l... |
Řeháček, Karel
„Věčné bratrství“ mezi Prešovem a Plzní? Autenticita, poznaná nutnost nebo prostě jen povinnost? The article is devoted to the cooperation of two regional cities of former Czechoslovakia, Pilsen in West Bohemia and Prešov in East Slovakia. It was established shortly after the February coup in 1948 and lasted until the end of the totalitarian regime in 1989. Wh... |
Salner, Peter
Preživší a deti holokaustu na Slovensku v rokoch 1945–1989 The author focuses on the survivors and the „children of the Holocaust“ from 1945‑1989. He offers characteristics of both studied fractions of the Jew‑ ish community, also defining the research methodology employed. The study concentrates on the post‑Holocaust Jewish families an... |
Fritzová, Marie
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