Ročník 2022
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Poslední příspěvky
Podstránský, J.
Knápek, A.
Automated defectoscopy of thin poly (methyl methacrylate) layers In the electron beam lithography process, one of the initial steps is to coat the substrate (i.e., the silicon wafer) with a thin layer of polymer resist. During the coating process, defects in the thin layer can occur, which can affect the exposure and therefore the ... |
Urban, F.
Helán, R.
Urban, F.
Přesnost měření v senzorových systémech s optovláknovými Braggovými mřížkami |
Tomíček, P.
Boušek, J.
Method for estimating effective input noise of mixed-mode measurement systems Input noise estimation of mixed-mode measurements systems requires the knowledge of effective noise bandwidth ENBW and noise density of each component. Determining ENBW is not trivial because each component has a different frequency response. However, it is possible to simplify this... |
Junasová, V.
Measurement of Magnetic Azimuth by Magnetometer and Gyroscope with Implementation of Complementary Filter It is possible to measure magnetic azimuth relatively easily with the usage of one magnetometer. However, the precision of the measurement is limited by accuracy of calibration of the used sensor and the uncertainty of the very magnetometer. In order to achieve more pre... |
Dvorský, A.
Adámek, M.
Experimental breeding station for edible insects The task of this work is to introduce the possibilities and conditions of breeding edible insects. The goal was to design an experimental device enabling the measurement and regulation of breeding conditions, namely temperature and humidity in the breeding environment and the... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Electroscope
- 7 2022