Číslo 2 (2022) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Huľová, Zlatica
Education of students during distance learning due to pandemic from the perspective of parents The article is focused on online technical teaching at primary school and secondary vocational school during pandemic season. Presented research is focused on parents' atitude and opinion and how they support their children at home during e-learning. The research is also... |
Huľová, Zlatica
Developing technical skills as a source of pupils’ physical and psychological balance Technical education, the important condition of which is the development of technical skills, technical creativity, as well as technical thinking, is also meant to ensure the physical and psychological balance of the learner’s personality. The contribution, which is the output o... |
Haller, Ján
Vzdelávanie pedagógov v oblasti CNC technológií The industrial revolution in the 18th century brought a boom in the field of machines and machine equipment construction and had a significant impact on the economy of many countries. It was the source of many innovative methods, production forms, and continues through... |
Sosna, Tomáš
Současný stav 3D modelování a tvořivosti na základní škole v České republice a ve světě The article aims to map the current situation of the relationship between 3D modeling and creativity and focuses on the possibility of developing creativity using that 3D modeling. It summarizes the knowledge in this direction, both within the Czech Republic and the re... |
Huľová, Zlatica
Zentko, Jozef
Textiles in project-based technical education of future teachers at the time of distance teaching The contribution pays attention to the characteristics and analysis of utilizing artistic and technical activities in project-based teaching, focused on working with textiles in the education of future teachers at the time of distance teaching. It presents possibilities of applicatio... |
Moc, Pavel
Programování počítačem řízených strojů na ZŠ – předvýzkum In primary education, we usually only encounter the programming computer-controlled machines with 3D printing. Schools usually do not have other machines, for example, CNC milling machine, laser milling machine, etc. The incriminated issue can of course also be applied to other&... |
Janovec, Jan
Brtnová Čepičková, Ivana
Čtení technických obrazových materiálů studenty učitelství prvního stupně The article describes the results of a study designed to determine the differences between students with better and worse performance when solving the displayed technical tasks. Searching for the right solutions, students had to apply visual-spatial skills, creative thinking, problem... |
Zahradník, Tomáš
Frank, Filip
Zíka, Miroslav
Porovnání slicerů pro 3D tisk This article is focused on the theme of comparison of 3D slicing software used in FDM/FFF technology known as slicers. One of the authors goals was to describe the slicers that were chosen, identify pros and cons of individual 3D slicers and compare the ... |
Klement, Milan
Šaloun, Petr
Bryndová, Lucie
Dragon, Tomáš
Model předmětově-didaktických kompetencí učitelů reflektující rozvoj informatického myšlení u žáků a studentů The development and incorporation of the concept of the development of computational thinking into the curriculum of computing subjects is currently one of the major challenges facing the Czech school system. However, such a concept of teaching presupposes a targeted development... |
Ungr, Tomáš
Moc, Pavel
Inteligentní elektroinstalace v domácnosti This article deals with the comparison of classic wiring and smart wiring in the home. We will describe the classic electrical installation and focus on its advantages and disadvantages. In the case of intelligent wiring, we will look at its principle. We will compare partial&... |
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