Název: Continuous Nonlinear State Prediction by Finite Volume Method on Logically Rectangular Grids
Autoři: Matoušek, Jakub
Brandner, Marek
Duník, Jindřich
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: MATOUŠEK, J. BRANDNER, M. DUNÍK, J. Continuous Nonlinear State Prediction by Finite Volume Method on Logically Rectangular Grids. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Austin: IEEE, 2021. s. 5890-5895. ISBN: 978-1-66543-659-5 , ISSN: 0743-1546
Datum vydání: 2021
Nakladatel: IEEE
Typ dokumentu: konferenční příspěvek
URI: 2-s2.0-85126050495
ISBN: 978-1-66543-659-5
ISSN: 0743-1546
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: State estimation;Bayesian inference;Nonlinear systems
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: This paper deals with the state estimation of the nonlinear stochastic models with continuous dynamics and discrete measurement. Namely, the numerical solution to the Fokker-Planck equation, representing the estimator time update, is explored. Unlike the classical approaches, which use the finite difference method and operate on a standard rectangular grid, this paper utilizes the finite volume method on the logically rectangular grid. In particular, the circular grid is chosen, which better approximates an estimated conditional probability density function support and improves time update accuracy without any impact on its computational complexity. The benefits of the solution are illustrated in a numerical example.
Práva: Plný text je přístupný v rámci univerzity přihlášeným uživatelům.
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Konferenční příspěvky / Conference Papers (KKY)

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