Název: | Investigation on the parameter dependency of the perforation process of graphite based lithium-ion battery electrodes using ultrashort laser pulses |
Další názvy: | Zkoumání parametrické závislosti procesu perforace elektrod lithium-iontových baterií na bázi grafitu pomocí ultrakrátkých laserových pulzů |
Autoři: | Kleefoot, Max-Jonathan Sandherr, Jens Sailer, Marc Nester, Sara Martan, Jiří Knoblauch, Volker Kumkar, Malte Riegel, Harald |
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: | KLEEFOOT, M. SANDHERR, J. SAILER, M. NESTER, S. MARTAN, J. KNOBLAUCH, V. KUMKAR, M. RIEGEL, H. Investigation on the parameter dependency of the perforation process of graphite based lithium-ion battery electrodes using ultrashort laser pulses. JOURNAL OF LASER APPLICATIONS, 2022, roč. 34, č. 4, s. nestránkováno. ISSN: 1042-346X |
Datum vydání: | 2022 |
Nakladatel: | Laser Institute of America |
Typ dokumentu: | článek article |
URI: | 2-s2.0-85137978392 http://hdl.handle.net/11025/51351 |
ISSN: | 1042-346X |
Klíčová slova: | Laserová ablace;lithium-iontové baterie;doba trvání pulsu;perforace elektrody |
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: | Laser ablation;lithium-ion batteries;pulse duration;electrode perforation |
Abstrakt: | Perforation of lithium-ion battery electrodes has recently become an increasing interest in science and industry. Perforated electrodes have shown improved electrochemical properties compared to conventional, nonperforated electrodes. It has been demonstrated that through perforation, the fast-charging capability and the lifetime of these batteries can be significantly improved. The electrodes for lithium-ion batteries consist of a copper foil onto which the electrode material is applied as a porous layer. This layer is mainly composed of active material particles, which are bound together by a binder phase. Here, synthetic graphite was used as an active material. Up to now, it has been shown that an advantageous and precise perforation geometry can be produced by ultrashort laser pulse ablation. Since the ablation volumes during perforation of the porous electrode material with ultrashort laser pulses are unusually high compared to solids, this work investigates the parameter dependency on the ablation mechanisms in detail. For this purpose, in particular, single-pulse ablation was investigated with respect to the ablation thresholds at different pulse durations. The pulse durations were varied over a large range from 400 fs to 20 ps. By varying the number of pulses per perforation up to 50 and the single-pulse energy up to 45 μJ, it could be shown that a homogeneous ablation down to the conductor foil through the 63 μm thick active material layer can be achieved. |
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: | Perforation of lithium-ion battery electrodes has recently become an increasing interest in science and industry. Perforated electrodes have shown improved electrochemical properties compared to conventional, nonperforated electrodes. It has been demonstrated that through perforation, the fast-charging capability and the lifetime of these batteries can be significantly improved. The electrodes for lithium-ion batteries consist of a copper foil onto which the electrode material is applied as a porous layer. This layer is mainly composed of active material particles, which are bound together by a binder phase. Here, synthetic graphite was used as an active material. Up to now, it has been shown that an advantageous and precise perforation geometry can be produced by ultrashort laser pulse ablation. Since the ablation volumes during perforation of the porous electrode material with ultrashort laser pulses are unusually high compared to solids, this work investigates the parameter dependency on the ablation mechanisms in detail. For this purpose, in particular, single-pulse ablation was investigated with respect to the ablation thresholds at different pulse durations. The pulse durations were varied over a large range from 400 fs to 20 ps. By varying the number of pulses per perforation up to 50 and the single-pulse energy up to 45 μJ, it could be shown that a homogeneous ablation down to the conductor foil through the 63 μm thick active material layer can be achieved. |
Práva: | © authors |
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích: | Články / Articles (KTO) Články / Articles OBD |
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