Číslo 4 (2023) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
For authors |
Kubátová, Gabriela
Alexander Shonert’s Contributions to Violin Methodology This article introduces violinist and pedagogue Alexander Shonert and his principles of violin teaching methods, which touch on the correct way of practicing the violin, a specific type of firm staccato, and stage fright. This research and description of Shonert’s teaching and... |
Slavíková, Petra
Creativity in Education from the Teacher’s Perspective and Its Possible Implications for Music Creative Work with Children Aged 5–6 in Formal Education in the United Kingdom This study is a qualitative research project focused on teachers’ views of their influences on children’s (aged 5–6) musical creativity within the context of formal education in the United Kingdom. The study offers insight into teachers’ efforts to develop creativity directly and... |
Procházková, Martina
Songs of Dominick Argento and Their Use for the Teaching of Voice at Faculties of Education The study will aim to characterize the songwriting of Dominick Argento (1927−2019), a leading American composer and Pulitzer Prize winner, and to outline the possibilities of its application in the education of solo singers in faculties of education. Argento’s songwriting is rich... |
Strenáčiková, Mária
Musical Thinking and Its Educational Implications Many papers, articles, and even books are devoted to musical thinking, approaching it from different perspectives. After a long development of the concept, it appears to be most elab- orated in the field of music psychology. However, it also has its representation in ae... |
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