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Paulová, Anna
Jiří Hlaváč and his Ten virtuoso etudes for clarinet: An interpreter’s analysis of the first five movements of the cycle . The study presents an analysis of Ten Virtuoso Etudes for Clarinet, written in 1992 by the eminent Czech clarinetist and teacher at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague Jiří Hlaváč (1948). The author, a laureate of several international clarinet competitions and Hlaváč’s... |
Šustíková, Věra
Bezděk, Jiří
German contemporary authors compose melodramas on Czech texts The following essay describes the efforts of its authors to encourage the creation of concert melodramas by German composers to Czech texts. This effort became the subject of the project “Czech composers set German texts to music, and German composers set Czech texts ... |
Gvozdevskaia, Galina
Japanese traditional music and the possibilities of its use in European music education This article analyzes of philosophical approaches and methods of teaching musical instru- ments at traditional Japanese schools. These approaches have a long history within the Japanese Iemoto system. This study’s author highlights several similarities between some conceptual settings of&... |
Kopčáková, Slávka
Irena Medňanská and her contribution to the theory and practice of Slovak music education In Slovak musical life and academic environment Irena Medňanská (1950–2020) represented a personality whose tireless organizational, project, music-making, legislative and advisory activities left a permanent and lasting mark in music education, music schooling, and cog- nitive reflections of&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Publikace FPE / Publications of FPE
- Paedagogia Musica
- 11 2022