Browsing by Author Cimrman, Robert

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 33  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Acoustic waves in fluid-saturated periodic scaffoldsRohan, Eduard; Cimrman, Robert
2020Acoustic waves in homogenized fluid-saturated deforming periodic scaffolds under permanent flowRohan, Eduard; Cimrman, Robert; Naili, Salah
2023Adaptive Anderson mixing for electronic structure calculationsNovák, Matyáš; Vackář, Jiří; Cimrman, Robert; Šipr, Ondřej
2023Comparison of Six Different Methods for Measuring the Equine Hoof and Recording of its Three-Dimensional ConformationSellke, Lina; Patan-Zugaj, Bianca; Ludewig, Eberhard; Cimrman, Robert; Witter, Kirsti
2013Cortical bone tissue modelled as double-porous medium: parameter studyTurjanicová, Jana; Rohan, Eduard; Naili, Salah; Cimrman, Robert
2010esofspyKochová, Petra; Cimrman, Robert
2020Evaluating Hellmann-Feynman forces within non-local pseudopotentialsNovák, Matyáš; Vackář, Jiří; Cimrman, Robert
2021Fast evaluation of finite element weak forms using python tensor contraction packagesCimrman, Robert
2009GenseiKochová, Petra; Cimrman, Robert; Tonar, Zbyněk
2019The histological microstructure and in vitro mechanical properties of pregnant and postmenopausal ewe perineal bodyKochová, Petra; Hympánová, Lucie; Rynkevic, Rita; Cimrman, Robert; Tonar, Zbyněk; Deprest, Jan; Kališ, Vladimír
2011How to asses, visualize and compare the anisotropy of linear structures reconstructed from optical sections?: a study based on histopathological quantification of human brain microvesselsKochová, Petra; Cimrman, Robert; Janáček, Jiří; Witter, Kirsti; Tonar, Zbyněk
2021Identification of the LLDPE Constitutive Material Model for Energy Absorption in Impact ApplicationsHynčík, Luděk; Kochová, Petra; Špička, Jan; Bońkowski, Tomasz; Cimrman, Robert; Kaňáková, Sandra; Kottner, Radek; Pašek, Miloslav
2009Implementation of skeletal muscle model with advanced activation controlKocková, Hana; Cimrman, Robert
2018Isogeometrická analýza ve výpočtech elektronových strukturCimrman, Robert; Novák, Matyáš; Kolman, Radek; Tůma, Miroslav; Vackář, Jiří
2022Leveraging Python tensor contraction packages for evaluating finite element weak formsCimrman, Robert
2019Mechanical and structural properties of human aortic and pulmonary allografts do not deteriorate in the first 10 years of cryopreservation and storage in nitrogenFiala, Radovan; Kochová, Petra; Kubíková, Tereza; Cimrman, Robert; Tonar, Zbyněk; Špatenka, Jaroslav; Fabián, Ondřej; Burkert, Jan
2018Mixing algorithms for fixed-point iterations in self-consistent electronic structure calculationsNovák, Matyáš; Cimrman, Robert; Lukeš, Vladimír; Rohan, Eduard; Vackář, Jiří
2021Modelling of acoustic waves in homogenized fluid-saturated deforming poroelastic periodic structures under permanent flowRohan, Eduard; Cimrman, Robert; Naili, Salah
2021Modelling wave dispersion in fluid saturating periodic scaffoldsRohan, Eduard; Cimrman, Robert
2019Multiscale finite element calculations in Python using SfePyCimrman, Robert; Lukeš, Vladimír; Rohan, Eduard