Journal of WSCG


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Recent Submissions

Goncalves, Alan , Carvalho, Marco A.G. , Ramos, Josue J.G. , Paiva, Pedro V.V.
First Results on Using Transformer for Extroversion Personality Trait Recognition

Personality traits are characteristics that can describe a person’s behavior, also reflecting their thoughts and feel ings. There are those who support the idea that traits can be strong predictors of leadership, implying emotional stability of the individual. Knowing the importance of ...

Pöllabauer, Thomas , Knauthe, Volker , Boller, André , Kuijper, Arjan , Fellner, Dieter W.
Fast Training Data Acquisition for Object Detection and Segmentation using Black Screen Luminance Keying

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) require large amounts of annotated training data for a good performance. Often this data is generated using manual labeling (error-prone and time-consuming) or rendering (requiring geometry and material information). Both approaches make it difficult or uneconomic to&#...

Murakami, Naoki , Hiramatsu, Naoto , Kobayashi, Hiroki , Akizuki, Shuichi , Hashimoto, Manabu
A proposal of anomaly detection method based on natural data augmentation in the Eigenspace

This paper proposes a natural data augmentation method and an anomaly removal artificial neural network for accurate anomaly detection. Anomaly detection is important because the provision of high-quality products is vital in the manufacturing industry. However, it is difficult to obtain&#x...

Lepaire, Charles , Belhaouari, Hakim , Pascual, Romain , Meseure, Philippe
Exploitation of local adjacencies for parallel construction of a Reeb graph variant: cerebral vascular tree case

Strokes concerned more than 795,000 individuals annually in the United States as of 20211 . Detecting thrombus (blood clot) is crucial for aiding surgeons in diagnosis, a process heavily reliant on 3D models reconstructed from medical imaging. While these models are very dense with...

Sandu, Roman , Shcherbakov, Alexandr
GPU Cache Flush Minimization In Render Graph Systems

Modern graphics APIs expose control over the infamously non-coherent GPU caches to application programmers through the mechanisms of pipeline barriers and render passes. A developer is then asked to group together their GPU computations based on memory access patterns such that cache fl...