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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorAwano, Naoyuki
dc.contributor.authorNishio, Koji
dc.contributor.authorKobori, Ken-ichi
dc.contributor.editorSkala, Václav
dc.identifier.citationWSCG 2010: Communication Papers Proceedings: 18th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS, p. 193-198.en
dc.description.abstractNon-photorealistic rendering has been attracting attention in the field of computer graphics. A common approach to artistic rendering is using a shape model which utilizes mesh data. In recent years, the use of point clouds as shape models has increased due to the rapid development of 3D-scanners used to create them. Correspondingly, there has been an increase in the research on point clouds. We propose a stipple rendering method as a type of artistic rendering for point clouds, based on a hybrid image/object space. First, we eliminate hidden points based on an image space. Next, we apply a novel shading method to the visible points based on an image space. Lastly, we apply the above two results to the input point cloud. We implement the proposed method using a graphics processing unit to accomplish the interactive rendering. The experimental results show that we can achieve shading and shadowing interactively.en
dc.format6 s.cs
dc.publisherVáclav Skala - UNION Agencycs
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWSCG 2010: Communication Papers Proceedingsen
dc.rights© Václav Skala - UNION Agencycs
dc.subjectpočítačová grafikacs
dc.subjectnefotorealistické vykreslovánícs
dc.subjectbodové mrakycs
dc.subjectgrafické procesorycs
dc.titleInteractive Stipple Rendering for Point Cloudsen
dc.typekonferenční příspěvekcs
dc.subject.translatedcomputer graphicsen
dc.subject.translatednon-photorealistic renderingen
dc.subject.translatedpoint cloudsen
dc.subject.translatedgraphic processing unitsen
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