Název: Plan4all networking architecture
Autoři: Brūns, Pēteris
Čepický, Jáchym
Camerata, Flavio
De Marco, Giuseppe
Pellegrino, Giuseppina
Bergheim, Runar
Dimitrov, Stelian
Horák, Petr
Ježek, Jan
Mitterer-Reinisch, Katharina
Neuschmid, Julia
Zanetti, Norma
Datum vydání: 30-říj-2010
Nakladatel: Plan4all
Typ dokumentu: zpráva
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/1252
Klíčová slova: INSPIRE;Plan4all;síťová architektura;architektura sdílení dat
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: networking architecture;data sharing architecture
Abstrakt: During the last decade most of the commercial GIS providers have focused their technology development on the creation of solutions that contribute to building and positioning the world’s geospatial information resources for responsible and effective use. Automated mapping, geographic information systems (GIS), and spatial data communication technologies developed by the major companies have been implementing throughout the D5.2 Plan4all Networking Architecture 75/77 world, contributing significantly to the today status of geospatial information, which became one of the fastest growing fields in IT. On the other hand, the developed Plan4all Networking Architecture requires basic set of networking services in compliance with INSPIRE directive for the sharing of spatial planning data between public sector and other stakeholders. These services could be provided by the majority of the commercial software platforms, but the most appropriate (as balance among interface, functionality and productivity) are ESRI’s Arc GIS platform, as well as Intergraph, Autodesk and Mapinfo integrated products.
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Zprávy / Reports (KMA)

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