Název: Stable integration of the dynamic cosserat equations with application to hair modeling
Autoři: Sobottka, Gerrit
Lay, Tomás
Weber, Andreas
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: Journal of WSCG. 2008, vol. 16, no. 1-3, p. 73-80.
Datum vydání: 2008
Nakladatel: Václav Skala - UNION Agency
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/1321
ISBN: 978-80-86943-14-5
ISSN: 1213–6972 (hardcopy)
1213–6980 (CD-ROM)
1213–6964 (online)
Klíčová slova: Cosseratova teorie;Cosseratovy tyče;lidské vlasy;modelování vlasů;kontrolovatelné numerické tlumení
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: Cosserat theory;Cosserat rods;human hair;hair modeling;controllable numerical damping
Abstrakt: In this paper we propose a new method for stable numerical integration of the dynamic Cosserat equations for rods, which constitute a mechanical framework for the physically based modeling of slender structures like DNA strands, drill strings, marine cables or human hair. Our integration method is well-established in the field of structural dynamics and has the major advantage of unconditional stability as well as user controllable numerical damping. We demonstrate its advantages in the context of fiber-based modeling of human hair. To our knowledge this approach has not been used in the computer graphics community before.
Práva: © Václav Skala - UNION Agency
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Number 1-3 (2008)

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