Volume 4, number 1-2 (1996) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Beneš, Bedřich
Holeček, Aleš
Žára, Jiří
Language support for distributed virtual reality One of the main issues in the research on Multi-user Distributed Virtual Reality Systems is the virtual environment description language. A number of different languages with various level of description formalism already exist. In this paper we provide a quick overview of &... |
Zachariáš, Svatopluk
Projection in barycentric coordinates |
Wolter, Franz-Erich
Differential geometric concepts and methods in CAGD We report on new geometric results serving as a base for new methods in geometric modeling with free form surfaces. Those methods have all been implemented in the geometric modeling system. |
Tobler, Robert F.
Löffelmann, Helwig
Purgathofer, Werner
Galla, Thomas
BABEL: a generic data structure for geometric modeling We present a basic data structure for geometric data which can be adapted to represent common geometry representations like CSG, BSP, aso. The new data structure has been designed to be easy to use, and easy to extend. Due to the representation of geometric data using... |
Šindlar, Libor
Pelikán, Josef
Parallel radiosity on a cluster of workstations A parallel version of progressive refinement radiosity with radiosity overshooting and adaptive surface subdivision is presented. A cluster of workstations under the operating system UNIX was chosen as parallel hardware. The whole system was organized according to the master-worker paradigm. We... |
Simek, Pavel
Slavik, Pavel
Constraint satisfaction problem solved by minimal changes method Direct manipulation has become a very popular interaction technique in GUI´s in the last few years. It allows the user to manipulate graphical objects in natural way. However, in complicated cases the user must perform complex manipulations that burden the user with many details.... |
Wüthrich, C. A.
Pereira, J. M.
Gomes, M. R.
Full-frame merging for sort-las polygon rendering on a multicomputer We propose a refinement of the Sort-Last algorithms classification based on the scheduling of the rendering and merging steps. Two algorithms whose rendering and merging steps run consecutively are described. Two different approaches were taken to implement the merging step: the distributed&... |
Nikiel, Slawomir S.
An efficient fractal modeller (modification of the iterated function systems) Research and development of fractal techniques for modelling and control over intricate artificial and natural phenomena fall in the scope of this paper. The principal objective is for close to real-time display of fractal structures. Iterated Function Systems rendering algorithms can be... |
Nechvíle, Karel
Sochor, Jiří
Form factor evaluation with regional BSP trees Form factor evaluation is an expensive and time consuming operation for radiosity applications. Visibility algorithms have to deal with a huge number of patches, rapidly increasing during an adaptive subdivision. This paper presents one possible approach to visibility part of complex radiosi... |
Mrázek, Pavel
Genetic algorithms and image search This article is intended to provide an introduction to Genetic Algorithms (GAs), concetrating on their abilities of function optimization. Basic features of GAs are presented in the first part. The second part describes one application: GAs are employed to search images for instances... |
Möller, Tomas
Radiosity techniques for virtual reality - faster reconstruction and support for levels of detail We present a method, aimed at Virtual Reality (VR) applications with illumination calculated by radiosity, that provides faster reconstruction of the radiosity function of non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) and ultimate support for levels od detail, LODs. For each NURBS, an image, called... |
Manda, Vladimír
A new method for formal description of 3D scenes In this paper we deal with the problem of representation of 3D scenes. As far as the scene structure is concerned, it contains both objects and their relations. To capture this we propose to use a special graph grammar language. This language allows us to describe th... |
Maierhofer, Alois A.
Gervautz, Michael
Karner, Konrad F.
Meshing for discontinuity driven hierarchical radiosity A discontinuity driven hierarchical meshing algorithm is presented which keeps polygons well shaped and avoids the generation of T-vertices. The concept of split-hints is introduced enabling us to store splitting information for later use rather than immediately anchoring T-vertices. The concept&... |
Liberato, Attilio de
Moltedo, Laura
Icons for the visualization of tensor fields Multidimensional data coming from numerical simulations represent, usually, tensor fields. This paper deals with glyph icons we implemented for discrete visualization of second order tensor fields, in order to extend the mapping operations of MUDI3 system we have developed at IAC. Iconic... |
Křenek, Aleš
Molecular models superposition and visualization A visualization system of molecular behaviour is presented in this paper. The system was designed for very large input data sets. An essential problem of the visualization is finding the best match of two structures. A solution (the superposition transformation) is discussed in det... |
Košek, Miloslav
Simple, efficient and flexible CAD system for textile patterning. Textile patterning is one of very efficient areas for the application of computer graphics in textile industry. The key procedure of textile patterning consists of regular placement of the atomic pattern part, the motif, into the pattern area. Several big specialized commercial systems&... |
Bartánus, M.
Ferko, A.
Mag, R.
Niepel, L.
Plachetka, T.
Šikudová, E.
New heuristics for minimum weight triangulation In rendering it is sometimes desirable to compute minimum total light energy mesh. This requires finding the solution for minimum weight triangulation (MWT). We have introduced several new heuristics for MWT, based on original observations. All new algorithms are tested on a set of... |
Traxler, Christoph
Gervautz, Michael
Using genetic algorithms to improve the visual quality of fractal plants generated with CSG-PL-Systems PL-systems are a powerful and flexible technique for plant modeling. Unfortunately it is a hard task to specify a PL-system, that generates a desired plant. Especially the tuning of the parameter values is time consuming and demands a lot of experience from the user. In&... |
Stürzlinger, Wolfgang
Optimized local pass using importance sampling Recent approaches to realistic image synthesis split the rendering process into two passes. The first pass calculates an approximate global illumination solution, the second produces an image of high quality (from a user selected view point) using the solution obtained in t... |
Löffelmann, Helwig
Szalavári, Zsolt
Gröller, Eduard
Local analysis of dynamical systems — concepts and interpretation We present several terms and definitions related to the local analysis of dynamical systems. Multiple terms for one and the same thing that were found in literature are put together to provide a “dictionary” of terms and to avoid potential confusion due to misleading... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Journal of WSCG
- Volume 4 (1996)
- 36 1996