Volume 2, number 1-2 (1994) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Žára, Jiří
Holeček, Aleš
Přikryl, Jan
Parallelisation of the ray-tracing algorithm The two typical methods for distribution of ray-tracing rendering algorithm are presented in this article. The implementation of a distributed ray-tracer on a network of UNIX workstations is described in details. The first results are discussed from the point of view of memory load... |
Zachariáš, Svatopluk
Démonstration constructive du théoréme de Pohlke-Swarz |
Stürzlinger, W.
Wild, C.
Parallel visibility computations for parallel radiosity The radiosity method models the interaction of light between diffuse reflecting surfaces, thereby accurately predicting global illumination effects. Due to the high computational effort to calculate the transfer of light between surfaces and the memory requirements for the scene description, a... |
Šrámek, Miloš
An algorithm for fast voxel scene traversal Together with improvement of tomographic methods of scanning 3D data, residing in an increase of distinguishing ability of the scanners, the quality of final 3D reconstruction of the data comes into foreground. An inevitable condition for visualization of small details, comparable with ... |
Sojka, Eduard
Graf ponteciálu viditelnosti Článek podává nový pohled na teorii potenciálu viditelnosti. Tento pohled předpokládá, že na množitě obrazů dané scény lze zavést relaci ekvivalence. Tato relace pak indukuje rozklad množiny obrazů, která je nekonečná, na konečný počet tříd. Také prostor obklopující scénu je dekomponován na&... |
Snorek, Miroslav
Computer graphic hardware (conditions and experience from teaching courses) |
Skala, Václav
O(lg N) line clipping algorithm in E2 A new O(lg N) line clipping algorithm in E2 against a convex window is presented. The main advantage of the presented algorithm is the principal acceleration of the line clipping problem solution. A comparison of the proposed algorithm with others shows a significant improvement... |
Schindler, F.
Triangular patches under tension Given a triangular surface scheme that only approximates the initial data the resulting surfaces do not reflect the shape of control vertices as much as the user would have liked. By supplying tension parameters, or what in this case might be called "shape" parameters,... |
Řezáček, Petr
The knowledges of students The aim of this contribution should give the view of "exterior" on a level of the students´s proficiencies in common work with PC The Faculty of Electrical The University of West Bohemia. There is performed a brief analysis of a level knowledges in course of sev... |
Martinka, Jozef
Použitie octree štruktúry na urýchlenie metódy ray tracing Niekteré spôsoby urýchlenia metódy ray tracing využívajú priestorové rozdelnie scény a jej reprezentáciu pomocou octree štruktúry. Hlavné problémy spojené s použitím octree sú: vhodná reprezentácia, efektivny spôsob vytvorenia (rozdelenia scény na kocky octree) a rýchly "prechod" sledovaného lúča ... |
Limpouch, Aleš
X window system The X Window System has, over the last few years, become increasingly important and it is now accepted as the window system for workstations, mainframes and supercomputers. It has become the standard means of providing graphical facilities on UNIX systems. This paper gives a b... |
Košek, Miloslav
Simple graphic CAM system controlling the cutting machine A CAM system using a personal computer for the control of a cutting machine is described. The key part of the system is a database of suits. It contains commands that are processed by a personal computer. The computer can control a drawing or cutting machine that... |
Kose, C.
Willis, C. P.
Paddon, D. J.
Fractal volumes A Mandelbrot set, in quaternion representation, is used as a test data set to research the necessary characteristics of a system that visualises large and complex data sets. An image space software solution is developed that uses dynamic data partitioning across a distributed syste... |
Kolingerová, Ivana
Creating convex hulls in E2 using dual representation The dual representation of points, lines and polygons introduced in [Gun88] can also be used for computing convex hulls of a set of points in E2. The main principles of the dual representation and a sketch of the algorithm for convex hull computation are given in thi... |
Kolcun, A.
Semiregular grids in 2D and 3D Advantages of grids used in finite element analysis (FEM), which are similar to regular, are described in [5]. We show possibilities of generation and transformation of such grids and we make comparison of them in 2D. We show difficulties arising in 3D. |
Jankovič, Juraj
Visualization of the volume datasets in science Volume visualization is one of the fast-growing areas in scientific visualization. It helps to look at scalar or vector datasets and understand them more easily. An overview of basic algorithms used for this purpose, some of enhancements and optimizations are described here. |
Imrišková, Mária
G2 continuous β spline curves defined on th einterval <0,1) In this paper the general and special matrices forms of the cubic β-spline curve defined on the interval (0,1) are described. |
Hudec, Bohuslav
Graphics systems PHIGS and PHIGS+ The PHIGS (Programmer s hierarchical interactive graphics system) is an interantional ISO standard of functional interface between an application program and a configuration of graphical input and output devices. This interface contains basic functions for dynamic interactive 2D and 3D graphics... |
Gröller, Eduard
Brunner, Peter
Coherence in scan-line algorithms for CSG Scan-line algorithms for visibility calculation exploit various types of coherence properties. Several scan-line algorithms for Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) are discussed. In one approach CSG primitives are represented by polygonal approximations. Another technique processes CSG primitives as general ... |
Filip, Norbert
Fractal based procedural modelling Two different methods for procedurally based modelling are presented as an alternative to the interactive modelling. Fractal and graftal techniques are shown to be the possibilities for modelling of natural phenomena as terrain shapes and trees. Different issues of consistency for fractal... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Journal of WSCG
- Volume 2 (1994)
- 23 1994