Číslo 4 (2008) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Pomffyová, Mária
Optimizing of communication processes management This article is focused on analysis of the importance of business communication in SME and its role to support and increase their business efficiency. It is necessary to communicate effectively and collaborate with teams and partners. Simplified ways of information sharing... |
Černá, Miloslava
Poulová, Petra
Návštěvnost portálů a míra využití jejich nástrojů a služeb: případová studie The proliferation of information and communication technologies has influenced nearly all areas of human activities. The Internet represents an unlimited space enabling publishing of current in- formation, supporting new channels of communication, storage of all kinds of documents and... |
Meluzín, Tomáš
Research into the causes of low interest of czech companies in financing their development through IPOs Funding development of the company through the „Initial Public Offering“ has a high represen- tation globally, the Czech Republic unlike, and belongs to traditional methods of raising funds necessary for development of business in the developed capital markets. Without the possi... |
Potocký, Rostislav
On a dividend strategy of insurance companies The problem of finding the optimal dividend strategy is very important for insurance companies. In order to solve this problem a discounted cash flow model has been used which is a special case of valuation models. We analyse the surplus of an insurance comp... |
Anchor, John R.
Kouřilová, Tereza
Consumer perceptions of Tesco own brands: the Czech republic and the United kingdom Relatively little is known about the consumer perceptions of own brands in the newly emerging markets of central and eastern Europe. This paper attempts to fill a gap in knowledge by investiga- ting various aspects of consumer perceptions of Tesco own brands in th... |
Vymětal, Dominik
Hučka, Miroslav
Huňka, Miroslav
Kašík, Josef
Production planning model using REA ontology The paper focuses on the enterprise production plan at operational level modeling using the Resource-Event-Agent (REA) modeling framework. The REA modeling framework belongs to value oriented perspective modeling tools rather than to process oriented perspective modeling tools. &#x... |
Bednářová, Dagmar
Charakteristika a činnost klastrů v Jihočeském kraji The admission of the Czech Republic into the European Union made substantial changes for small and middle-sized businesses. The advantage of the admission can be seen in the extension of the market with broader import and export. The small and middle-sized businesses&... |
Prskavcová, Martina
Řehořová, Pavla
Metodika šetření hospodářské výkonnosti obcí České republiky This article grew up within activities of research project No. WD-30-07-1 „Innovation Approach to Analysis of Disparities on Regional Level“, financed by Ministry for Regional Development du- ring years 2007 - 2011. First, in the research project phase there was initiated t... |
Franěk, Marek
Večeřa, Jakub
Personal characteristics and job satisfaction This study examines the relationships among job satisfaction and selected personal variables. Data were collected from 659 participants in various occupational areas in the Czech Republic (managers, accountants, in sales/insurance, PR, advertising, health service, teachers, nature con-&#... |
Potkány, Marek
Personnel outsourcing processes Outsourcing is a way to manage business processes more effectively. The main aim of this work is to specify the marginal costs of alternative personnel processes by a form of selective and complex outsourcing in a company. The paper also deals with the prese... |
Rydvalová, Petra
Uplatňování outsourcingu z hlediska druhu ekonomických činností v českých malých a středních podnicích This article presents the data collected within the research frame of practical application princi- ples of the outsourcing in the Czech small and medium-sized enterprises. The survey was compi- led with support of Ministry for Regional Development with research project reg. n.&#... |
Nurmukhanova, Gulnara
Competitiveness of national economy: problems of regulation The paper focuses on future economic development of Kazachstan. Further, the paper intro- duces the development key parameters of development and increase of competitiveness of the national economy. The modern market economy of the world developed countries is cemented by ... |
Mirdala, Rajmund
Neupauerová, Marianna
Analýza vybraných oblastí fiškálnej politiky v kontexte vstupu do EMÚ na príklade ČR a SR After the entry to the EMU the ne w aocession countries give up one of the most relevant tool of an economic policy de... |
Kraftová, Ivana
Kraft, Jiří
High tech firmy a tvorba bohatství v zemích EMEA High technologies and the firms that are producing these high technologies play an important role in a creation of welfare. From the last quarter of the last century, we must take into account this new element of economies, high tech firms. Several factors a... |
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