Číslo 3 (2009) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Černá, Miloslava
Poulová, Petra
User testing of language educational portals The contribution provides an insight into selected portal solutions with special focus on custo- mer ́s aspect. The empirical usability study on language educational portals follows the standard structure; introduction, methodological frame, running own usability study and conclusion. The... |
Škrovánková, Lea
Šoltés, Michal
Aktuárské modely pre poistenie kritických chorób The aim of this paper will be analysis of some problems about health and sickness insurance. Therefore we describe the important problems: advantages and limitations of the use sickness function as compared with other methods, subdivide sickness functions into duration of&... |
Matejašák, Milan
Teplý, Petr
Černohorský, Jan
The impact of regulation of banks in the US and the EU -15 countries The regulation of financial markets and banking industry has become one of the most discus- sed topics by both academics and practitioners in recent years. One of the reason is the fact that bank capital requirements play a prominent role in sustaining financial s... |
Vajda, Viliam
Delina, Radoslav
Výskum stavu elektronického obchodu v slovenskom priemysle The phenomenon of Internet everyday affects individuals on the one side, but on the other side also the whole economy through activities of companies. Companies mainly in European Union’s “old” member states have realised advantages of Internet, or other computer networks,... |
Hommerová, Dita
Králová, Lenka
Analýza podpor marketingové činnosti využívaných firmami v České republice According to some experts marketing activities in Czech firms are no so widely and commonly used as in comparable markets. The aim of this paper is therefore to reveal the role of marketing in companies and to identify tools mostly used for supporting their&... |
Jánošíková, Ľudmila
Reduction of a hospital network as a multiple criteria optimisation problem The paper describes the design of a hospital network using mathematical programming appro- ach. The problem is formulated as a multiple-criteria location problem. The criteria reflect patients’ demand for high-quality and accessible health care. It means that the network should ... |
Aydin, Bulent
Ceylan, Adnan
The role of organizational culture on effectiveness In this study, the main subject is to contribute to the businesses as well as academic resear- chers about the effect of organizational culture in reaching the organizational effectiveness. Sustaining the organizational effectiveness is an important factor for organizational developm... |
Čiháková Aguilar, Silvia
Decision making and brownfield management The redevelopment of sites with the existence of historical contamination – in some specific cases most commonly known as „brownfields“ – contains still open questions, not only in Central European countries. North and South America have experienced cases which not only... |
Hrazdilová Bočková, Kateřina
Budoucí scénáře českého projektového řízení Present market environment is characterised with incisive competition and with shorter life cycles of products. The companies are bound to realise big changes and events in limited terms with limited budget and the time is becoming the critical success factor. This... |
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